This example presents a simple example of training a genetic-programming-based trading bot using the APIs provided by Genetic Programming Toolbox for MATLAB.
Clone the project
git clone
Change the current working directory to the project folder
cd ./GP-Trading-Bot
Download Genetic Programming Toolbox for MATLAB
git submodule update --init
Install MATLAB's Parallel Computing Toolbox. Skip this step if you have already installed the toolbox. If the toolbox is not available to you, change line 33 in
to the following codefor s=1:n
The entire project is only a highly-stripped-down version of my research. None of the hyperparameters is optimized. The code provides absolutely no warranty on correctness and profitability. If you are using the trading strategy on your real account, you are doing it at your own risk.
This project, including the documentation, is licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2022 Bohui WU.