Hitchwiki hospitality network
Brainstorming: http://lite3.framapad.org/p/mLPcirGh5h
aka keep it simple hospex for Hitchers
Hitchcouch(ing) Couchhike(ing) Hitchsleeping Sleephiking Hitch a couch +Mikael (for slogan) +1 (slogan) Instead of a tent Forgot Tent Don't sleep outside Warm Thumb :-D Thumb and Thumber :-D Hitch a bed Thumbers HitchStops Hitchwiki Helps Hitchwiki Hosts Hitchwiki Homes Just in Time Eleventh Hour :-D Capricious Couches (well actually capricious guests) HitchBase (there already is a project with this name..) (ok !) http://hitchbase.com/ HitchNetwork HitcherNetwork ThumbNetwork ThumbBase Host a Thumb Thumb a Host :-D hitch a carpet magic carpets network :D CarpetSurfing Stuck bases Random hosts Carcouching Hitch a Roof RoofHikers Thumb a Roof A Shelter for Hitcher Thumb Shelter
something from "floor" / "space on floor"
I think names are of later concern right? could just start with something with the name hitchwiki for now, hitchwiki.org/hosts seems fine Yes but it's fun to think of name when you're drinking wine in Lisbon !
Last minute is encouraged A simple map based catalog only Simple map where you see people on your route Hitchwiki Helps Hitchwiki Hosts Hitchwiki Homes Just in Time Eleventh Hour :-D Add your self to the map Your profile is simply a link to the CS/BW/WS/email/FB/hackercouch/whatnot public / login-only(+1 login only, good to put more accurate addresses)? available / not available option ? = profile/availability/communication is at other hospex on top of MediaWiki? or on top of WordPress? or independent? welen!?
How does it work? Pop up / banner on Hitchwiki? Signup: Where can host: any time, some time, rarely last minute: of course / possibly / no (why are you signing up?) can be contacted what time of the day? 24/7 : only when it's light out contact: phone number(s) / chat / email / what is best way to contact can easily host several nights / can host 1 night, more optional / can host long term How many people can I host. Couch busy/avalaible/not avaible ?
Just big free text field where people can add anything they want ---> could be the minimal viable product, and then we could add features
Mobile friendly / offline friendly PhoneGAP/Cordova (http://github.com/guaka/meteor-phonegap could be nice for prototyping if we go with meteor) Static front Export data of couch location and info for use in mobile application (or other), like hitchwiki map
Old meteor maps code bits? (good for realtime) Semantic MediaWiki? API can easily throw out json but MW is too public, hard to lock down can you easily write to mediawiki user page some meta? check https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SemanticSignup (but all public data) and can we then produce one big geo-json out of that meta? yes something that produces json? = API WP/buddypress has json plugin(s), super fast to configure (=API up in half an hour)
Stack Leaflet for map Angulaaar
Todo order: 1 backend adding content via X (semantic MW?) hitchwiki user ID location 1 freetext field get stuff out as a json (per user / all coordinates) frontend basic map layer reads coordinates files see all the people on map at once - when we'll get too much dots / too slow, we'll do better. for now quick'n'dirty is good. that's how we did with hitchwiki maps hidden behind login(?) click marker open and get user's json and show the data. mobile first
Time: Do this weekend? :-) Hackathon inception ?
features that could become nomadbase-ish? (=bewelcome) ;-) huh? what do we need hospex at nomadwiki for? +linking, same DB? e.g. grouping people / accounts without a main owner
Extend to hackercouch in future. ;-)