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Arduino library for TLC5917 8-Channel Constant-Current LED Sink Drivers.


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Arduino library for TLC5917 8-Channel Constant-Current LED Sink Drivers.



The TLC5917 library allows control over the 8 channels (outputs) of a TLC5917 device. This library also support more than one device in a daisy chain (see below).

The library allows to set the channels (outputs) on/off individually or as a group in one call. Furthermore it allows to set a current gain for all devices connected.

The TLC5916 is a derived class that is functional identical to the TLC5917. When implementation proceeds this might change, the difference is in support for fetching the status and error modi. As this functionality is not supported by the library yet, there is no difference between the TLC5916 and TLC5917 for now.

The library needs more testing with hardware.
Please share your experiences.

(Changes of the interface are definitely possible).


Always check the datasheet!

    GND   | 1    16 |  VDD
    SDI   | 2    15 |  R-EXT
    CLK   | 3    14 |  SDO
    LE    | 4    13 |  OE
    OUT0  | 5    12 |  OUT7
    OUT1  | 6    11 |  OUT6
    OUT2  | 7    10 |  OUT5
    OUT3  | 8    09 |  OUT4

Breaking changes

The 0.2.0 version fixed an internal storage bug which allocated way to much memory in version 0.1.x. So the pre 0.2.0 versions can be considered obsolete. The performance of the write() call improved a lot.

Daisy chaining

This library supports daisy chaining of multiple TLC5917 modules. A constructor takes the number of devices as parameter and an internal buffer is allocated (8 channels per device). This internal buffer is clocked into the devices with the write() call. So setChannel() calls can change this buffer until last moment before write()



#include TLC5917.h


  • TLC5917(uint8_t clock, uint8_t data, uint8_t latch, uint8_t outputEnable) constructor. Single device constructor, latch = LE pin, outputEnable = OE pin (see above). Defines the pins used for uploading / writing the data to the device. The outputEnable pin is explained in more detail below.
  • TLC5917(int deviceCount, uint8_t clock, uint8_t data, uint8_t latch, uint8_t outputEnable) constructor. To be used for multiple devices, typical 2 or more. Defines the pins used for uploading / writing the data to the device. The outputEnable pin is explained in more detail below.
  • ~TLC5917() destructor. Frees the allocated memory.


  • bool begin() sets the pinMode of the pins used and their initial values. The TLC5917 module is disabled by default, as the device has random values in its registers. Therefore one must call enable() explicitly.
  • int channelCount() return the amount of channels == 8 x number of devices.

Set/Get channels

  • bool setChannel(uint8_t channel, bool on) set a channel on or off in the internal buffer. The value is not written immediately to the device(s). One has to call write() for that. Returns false if channel is out of range.
  • bool setChannel(uint8_t * array) copy a preset of channel settings in one call. The user has to take care that the size of array holds the right amount of bytes. Typical amount is deviceCount (or more). Will always return true for now.
  • bool setAll(bool on) set all channels on or off. Will always return true for now.
  • bool getChannel(uint8_t channel) returns current state of a channel from the cached buffer. This might differ from the actual device state if channels have been changed without a write(). Returns false if channel is out of range.


  • int write() writes the whole internal buffer (deviceCount x 8 values) to the device(s). Returns the number of channels written (0 .. channelCount).
  • int write(int channels) writes a part of the internal buffer (only channels values) to the device. Typical used to speed up if less than max number e.g. only 17 channels are used and needs to be updated. experimental, might have side effects Returns the number of channels written (0 .. channelCount).

write() must be called after setting all values one wants to change. Updating per channel is possible but far less efficient if one has to update multiple channels as fast as possible. See also TLC5917_performance.ino for an indication of time needed.


The outputEnable pin (OE or blank) is used to set all channels on or off. This allows to "preload" the registers with values and enable them all at once with very precise timing.

Default a TLC device is disabled, by begin(), so one should enable it "manually".
(P13 datasheet)

  • void enable() all channels reflect last values written.
  • void disable() all channels are off / 0.
  • bool isEnabled() returns status of outputEnable OE line.

The library only supports one enable() line. If you want a separate enable() per device you might need to connect the devices "in parallel" instead of "in series" (daisy chained). The outputEnable parameter in the constructor should be set to -1 (out of range value).


It might be possible to use a PWM signal on the outputEnable pin to dim the LEDS. This is neither tested nor supported by the library. Note that writing to the TLC5917 needs a HIGH outputEnable so the PWM value needs to be set again after each write().

Configure gain

See datasheet page 23 for details.

  • void setNormalMode() switch to normal mode (default) to send the data for the IO pins.
  • void setSpecialMode() switch to special mode to configure the gain.

Note that calling setSpecialMode() and setNormalMode() disables the output. So one should enable() the output again if one wants to.

The special mode needs to be set for the following functions:

  • void writeConfiguration(uint8_t configuration) See page 23 datasheet. Writes same configuration to all devices. One must call setSpecialMode() first and setNormalMode() after..
  • uint8_t getConfiguration() returns last written configuration bit mask (from cache).
  • bool setGain(bool CM, bool HC, uint8_t CC) CC = {0..63} returns false if CC >= 64
  • bool setCurrentGain(float n) n = 0.250 - 3.000 (nicer range).
    Over the range 0.250 - 2.989 the max error is 0.0124
    Over the range 2.989 - 3.000 the max error goes up to 0.023
    So except for end of the range the error is (IMHO) small. Returns false if out of range (n < 0.250 or n > 3.0).
  • float getVoltageGain() see below (returns value from cache).
  • float getCurrentGain() see below (returns value from cache).
bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
abbrev CM HC CC0 CC1 CC2 CC3 CC4 CC5
default 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CM == Current Multiplier

  • limits the output current range.
  • Low (CM = 0): 3 mA to 40 mA.
  • High (CM = 1): 10 mA to 120 mA. == CM(0) x 3

VG (voltage gain) = (1 + HC) × (1 + D/64) / 4

where D = CC0 × 32 + CC1 × 16 + CC2 × 8 + CC3 × 4 + CC4 × 2 + CC5
D = 0..63

CG (current gain) = VG x pow(3, CM - 1)

VG = 2 x ( 1 + 63/64) / 4 = 127/128  
CG = VG x 3 = ~2.977

TODO: test with hardware to understand this in detail.
Actual current depends on Rext == external resistor (see datasheet).


Based upon TLC5917_performance.ino for an indicative test.
and issue #9 for the LGT8F328 data

Timing in microseconds, 800 channels = 100 devices.

Version Function UNO 1.8.19 LGT8F328 other
0.2.0 SETCHANNEL TRUE 2572 1152
0.2.0 SETCHANNEL FALSE 2840 1296
0.2.0 SETALL TRUE 236 108
0.2.0 SETALL FALSE 232 -
0.2.0 WRITE optimized 1772 -
0.2.0 WRITE normal 9420 -
0.2.1 WRITE optimized 1832 -
0.2.1 WRITE normal 9484 -

The "WRITE optimized" is AVR only.

The 0.2.1 is slightly slower (~3%), probably due to added return values.

So setting and writing 8 channels (e.g. a single 7 segment display) takes 28.40 + 17.72 = 46.12 < 50 microseconds. So in theory an UNO could update it roughly 20K times per second.

Hardware SPI

First investigations show that write() could be a hardware SPI transaction. However the setNormalMode(), setSpecialMode() and especially the writeConfiguration() function are no standard 8 bit SPI transactions. This of course includes the gain functions that use these.

To solve this one still has to provide the CLOCK, LATCH and OUTPUT ENABLE pins. Especially the CLOCK pin is part of the SPI pins, and it would depend on the board and optional number of HW SPI ports of the board. To prevent this complexity the library does not have a hardware SPI constructor.

It looks like it is possible to create a simplified class (stripped version) without the gain control that might work well with HW SPI for many application. The added value is however limited as the (optimized) SW is pretty fast already.



  • update documentation
  • do hardware test test test ...


  • investigate daisy chaining. (extra hardware needed).
    • max CLOCK speed when chained (50% DutyCycle)
    • what is clock in practice (e.g. an ESP32 240 MHz)
  • now the CurrentGain is set to the same value for all devices.
    • needs array, one value (uint8_t) per device, investigate.
  • investigate device count and channels unsigned int?
  • use channel count in constructor, might be more correct as device count as one could use e.g. 21 channels explicitly. Would prevent overflows better. Impact on code?
  • need to write section about latch enable LE line?


  • index operator [] to get set channels, might be better?
  • reading error codes from SDO
  • do brightness test with analogWrite(OE, value);
    • it would be mandatory to have OE be a PWM pin.
  • return values for enable/disable?
  • track "dirty cache", e.g. changed channels are not written yet.
    • e.g. bool writePending()
    • user can track this quite easily.

Wont (unless needed)

  • redo constructor,
    • move deviceCount to last place with default = 1 (one constructor less).
  • void getChannel(uint8_t * array) fill an array with current data.
  • error handling in special mode
    • over-temperature, open-load, short to GND, short to VLED (TLC5917 only).
  • implement hardware SPI simplified class, see section above.


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Thank you,


Arduino library for TLC5917 8-Channel Constant-Current LED Sink Drivers.







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