Code in this repository represents efforts of Kirk Hardy @thingscouldbeworse, Robert McGillivray @Robert8944, and Daniel Dilger @ddilger to expand on previous UKY CS499 projects;
although these listed repositories are now depracated as this codebase replicates and extends all previous funcitonality.
Contains index.php, assets, and all other display code. Code is written as PHP files with HTML and CSS markup and styling. Some JavaScript code is used to augment functionality, and both JQuery and Bootstrap libraries are dependencies, and are included in this repository.
The root directory contains SQL connector files used for accesing the MySQL database as well as DDL files for all necessary SQL tables. Both pure schema and dumps with placeholder data are included in corresponding folders.
A file named 'config.ini' not tracked in this repository will need to be placed in the root directory containing credentials for accessing the MySQL database. Further instructions follow under 'Installation Instructions'.
This site is built to run on a traditional LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) stack. It was developed on Linux machines running MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, and Apache, but should run on other webserver technologies, provided the other requirements are met, and all other settings and paths are correct.
Given this, the dependencies are as follows:
- A Unix based webserver running Apache (or an equivalent webserver such as NGINX ALHTOUGH THIS IS UNTESTED AND NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED)
- PHP version 7 or above
- PHP-Apache version 7 or above (or the equivalent package/dependency for your distribution/platform)
- MySQL server version 10 or above (or an equivalent for your distribution/platform such as MariaDB)
JQuery and Bootstrap are not listed as dependencies as the necessary files are included within assets/css/ assets/js/. Should you wish to update either, simply replace the files within those directories with more recent versions.
- Install and configure Apache according to the guidelines of your distribution.
- Install and configure MySQL or MariaDB through the appropriate package as per your distribution.
- Install and configure PHP through the appropriate package as per your distribution.
These three steps are detailed more fully here, in a tutorial for Ubuntu systems. It also may be useful to install and configure a management program such as PHP My Admin to make it easier to add to and edit the SQL database.
- Create a table named 'cs499' (without quotes) in the MySQL database.
- Individually run all the .sql files located in either 'schemas' or 'DDL_with_data'. check to see that all eleven tables have been created. Start with 'user_schema.sql' so as to avoid foreign key constraint conflicts.
- Prepare the installation location. This is
on most distributions, but could be locations such as '/srv/http/' on ArchLinux/Slackware distributions, or other locations. Check where Apache serves files from on your system.
- if your system does not use '/var/www/' to serve files, create a symlink from your serve location to '/var/www/html'. It is important to leave off the trailing '/' in this path. A sample symlink command would look like this:
sudo ln -s /srv/http/ /var/www/html
where /srv/http/ is the location your Apache installation serves files from. Create the /var/www/ directory before running this command, if need be.
- Download the sqsg6 repository to your installation location. On systems with Git installed simply run this command:
git clone
or alternatively
Test that your installation was successful by navigating to the 'Training_site/' directory in your browser, usually http://localhost/sqsg6/Training_site/ if you are running the LAMP stack on your local machine. This URL should load 'index.php' automatically.
Create a file in the root /sqsg6/ directory named 'config.ini' (without quotes).
In 'config.ini' write one line with the format
password = "Demo Password"
Where "Demo Password" is the root password to your MySQL database. Keep the quotes in the config.ini file. If you wish to use a different user, edit the 'sql_connector.php' file to use a differnt string other than 'root' on the line containing 'DB_USER'.
- Test the connection to the SQL database by running
php sql_connector.php
from the command line. The file should execute without error.
All code changes made over the course of the 2017 Spring Semester development have an associated pull request and refrenced issue on the GitHub page. To trace a code alteration find the file changed, view its history through the GitHub interface, and find the associated commit and pull request name.