Moving average implementation for Go. View the documentation.
import ""
ma := movingaverage.New(5) // 5 is the window size
ma.Add(5) // This one will effectively overwrite the first value (10 in this example)
avg := ma.Avg() // Will return 8.4
By default the library is not thread safe. It is however possible to wrap the object in a thread safe manner that can be used concurrently from many routines:
ma := movingaverage.Concurrent(movingaverage.New(5)) // concurrent safe version
avg := ma.Avg() // Will return 10.0
Basic operations are possible:
ma := movingaverage.New(5) // 5 is the window size
min, err := ma.Min() // min will return lowest value, error is set if there's no values yet
max, err := ma.Max() // max will return highest value, error is set if there's no values yet
count := ma.Count() // count will return number of filled slots
In case you define a window of let's say 5 and only put in 2 values, the average will be based on those 2 values.
Window 5 - Values: 2, 2 - Average: 2 (not 0.8)