Responsive, simple, intuitive CSS grid system built with flexbox.
This grid doesn't include even a line of unnecessary code, so if you add it to your site it will stand only for grid!
Just take this piece of CSS and have fun building your awesome websites.
You can visit the demo page to see how simple and flexible this grid is.
Demo reflects each step of usage described below.
<div class="flex_grid">
<div>col 1</div> <!--width: 25%-->
<div>col 2</div> <!--width: 25%-->
<div>col 3</div> <!--width: 25%-->
<div>col 4</div> <!--width: 25%-->
Without specifying classes to child div
elements they will stand equally.
Because by default child of .flex_grid
has style flex: 1;
- use only for desktop
- use for desktop & tablet
Based on the 12-column system.
Classes: ._col_1
, ._col_2
, ._col_3
, ._col_4
, ._col_5
, ._col_6
, ._col_7
, ._col_8
, ._col_9
, ._col_10
, ._col_11
, ._col_12
<div class="flex_grid">
<div class="_col_4">col 1</div> <!--width: 33.3%-->
<div class="_col_5">col 2</div> <!--width: 41.7%-->
<div class="_col_3">col 3</div> <!--width: 25%-->
Just assign new value to --grid-gap
property of current .flex_grid
container. Default gap is 20px
.new_gap {
--grid-gap: 10px;
There is an option to add a class only to one child element and let another fill the rest of the space.
It could be useful for default article
& aside
<div class="flex_grid">
<article>article</article> <!--flex: 1-->
<aside class="_col_3">aside</aside> <!--width: 25%-->
*Note that this width will stay for mobile if you won't specify for mobile separately.
Just apply additional child classes like .__50_rwd
to specify the new width.
.__rwd = flex: 1;
.__25_rwd = width: 25%;
.__33_rwd = width: 33.3%;
.__50_rwd = width: 50%;
.__full_rwd = width: 100%;
<div class="flex_grid">
<div class="_col_2 __50_rwd">col 1</div> <!--50% on tablet-->
<div class="_col_3 __50_rwd">col 2</div> <!--50% on tablet-->
<div class="_col_2 __full_rwd">col 3</div> <!--100% on tablet-->
<div class="_col_2 __33_rwd">col 4</div> <!--33.3% on tablet-->
<div class="_col_3 __rwd">col 5</div> <!--flex: 1 on tablet-->
*Tablet breakpoint starts on 1024px
*Pretty much the same logic as for tablet.
Just apply additional child classes like .__50_mob
to specify the new width.
.__mob = flex: 1;
.__25_mob = width: 25%;
.__33_mob = width: 33.3%;
.__50_mob = width: 50%;
.__full_mob = width: 100%;
<div class="flex_grid">
<div class="_col_2 __33_rwd __50_mob">col 1</div> <!--33.3% on tablet, 50% on mobile-->
<div class="_col_2 __33_rwd __50_mob">col 2</div> <!--33.3% on tablet, 50% on mobile-->
<div class="_col_2 __33_rwd __full_mob">col 3</div> <!--33.3% on tablet, 100% on mobile-->
<div class="_col_2 __33_rwd __50_mob">col 4</div> <!--33.3% on tablet, 50% on mobile-->
<div class="_col_2 __33_rwd __50_mob">col 5</div> <!--33.3% on tablet, 50% on mobile-->
<div class="_col_2 __33_rwd __full_mob">col 6</div> <!--33.3% on tablet, 100% on mobile-->
*Mobile breakpoint starts on 767px
Pull requests are welcome.
If you'll find a way to make this grid even better - let me know!