This game is a pixel-to-pixel clone of the classic NES game Battle City, made with Android Compose UI.
[x] Joystick
[x] Map elements
[x] Water animation
[x] Tank treads animation
[x] Bullet collision test
[x] Explosion animation
[x] Tank collision with map elements
[x] Tank collision with tanks
[x] Spawn blink
[x] Spawn shield
[*] Power-ups
[x] Drive on ice
[x] Debug control panel
[x] Map selection
[x] Scoreboard
[X] Font
[x] Menu screens
[ ] Map editor
[X] AI
[x] N-in-1 Map
[ ] Online
[x] bullets have aoe affect on surface.
[ ] collisions between bullets don't explode
[x] level 3+ shoots 2 bullets at a time
[x] level 4 bullets crack 1 layer of steel or 2 layers of brick
[x] all level 4 bots change color scheme simultaneously every 10 seconds (new version level 4 flashes.).
[x] level 4 bots have different color schemes: (1) green -> yellow -> yellow -> gray -> die. (2) gray -> gray -> green -> gray -> die (obsolete)
[x] bots with power-up flash gray-red
[x] tank ui shadow direction
[x] shovel fortifies base for 18 secs, then it alternates 12 times for 3 more secs.
[x] collision with half bricks is buggy