Programming Assignments for Algorithmic Toolbox on Coursera
Note: You need to follow Coursera’s Honor Code to uphold Coursera's standard of academic integrity. Your programming assignments must be your own work.
PS: These solutions are implemented in Java.
Problem Instructions
- A plus B
(Max time used: 0.25/1.50, max memory used: 26157056/536870912.)
- Maximum Pairwise Product
(Max time used: 0.43/1.50, max memory used: 52244480/536870912.)
- Compute a Small Fibonacci Number
(Max time used: 0.17/1.50, max memory used: 26144768/536870912.)
- Compute the Last Digit of a Large Fibonacci Number
(Max time used: 0.18/1.50, max memory used: 26537984/536870912.)
- Compute the Greatest Common Divisor
(Max time used: 0.18/1.50, max memory used: 26214400/536870912.)
- Compute the Least Common Multiple
(Max time used: 0.22/1.50, max memory used: 26206208/536870912.)
- Compute a Huge Fibonacci Number Modulo m
(Max time used: 0.18/1.50, max memory used: 31072256/536870912.)
- Compute the Last Digit of a Sum of Fibonacci Numbers
(Max time used: 0.17/1.50, max memory used: 26198016/536870912.)
- Compute the Last Digit of a Partial Sum of Fibonacci Numbers
(Max time used: 0.18/1.50, max memory used: 26169344/536870912.)
- Changing Money
(Max time used: 0.17/1.50, max memory used: 26243072/536870912.)
- Maximizing the Value of a Loot (Fractional Knapsack)
(Max time used: 0.43/1.50, max memory used: 52187136/671088640.)
- Maximum Dot Product (Maximizing Revenue in Online Ad Placement)
(Max time used: 0.29/1.50, max memory used: 34603008/536870912.)
- Collecting Signatures (Covering Segments by Points)
(Max time used: 0.20/1.50, max memory used: 26501120/536870912.)
- Maximizing the Number of Prize Places in a Competition (Different Summands)
(Max time used: 0.34/1.50, max memory used: 38240256/536870912.)
- Maximizing Your Salary (Largest Number)
(Max time used: 0.18/1.50, max memory used: 25366528/536870912.)
- Binary Search
(Max time used: 0.94/3.00, max memory used: 77963264/536870912.)
- Majority Element
(Max time used: 0.37/1.50, max memory used: 44564480/536870912.)
- Sorting
(Max time used: 0.97/5.50, max memory used: 74072064/536870912.)
- Inversions
(Max time used: 0.95/4.50, max memory used: 116506624/536870912.)
- Points and Segments
(Max time used: 1.17/6.00, max memory used: 72429568/536870912.)
- Primitive Calculator
(Max time used: 0.20/2.25, max memory used: 30781440/536870912.)
- Knapsack
(Max time used: 0.25/3.00, max memory used: 39575552/536870912.)
- Edit Distance
(Max time used: 0.18/1.50, max memory used: 26210304/536870912.)
- Placing Parentheses
(Max time used: 0.17/1.50, max memory used: 26103808/536870912.)
- Longest Common Subsequence of 3 Sequences
(Max time used: 0.28/3.00, max memory used: 33456128/536870912.)