A ROS wrapper for the svox-pico TTS Engine. Based on the analogous YARP wrapper: https://github.com/robotology/speech/tree/master/svox-speech , made by @apaikan.
The current implementation requires Linux aplay
command (in the alsa-utils
package) to play the generated wave file.
Compile and install the software with your favorite catkin
build tool.
roslaunch svox_tts svox_tts.launch
The svox_tts
node exposes a service reachable at /svox_tts/speech
with an interface that can set some internal parameters (pitch, speed, language) as well as say some sentences. Here are some examples:
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 5, string: 'We, robots, love you.'}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 2, value: 60}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 3, value: 80}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 5, string: 'Although we should improve our TTS capabilities.'}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 1, string: 'it-IT'}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 2, value: 100}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 5, string: 'Noi, robots, vi amiamo. Anche se dovremmo migliorare le nostre capacità nel TTS.'}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 6}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 5, string: 'At least now we can speak multiple languages.'}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 5, string: 'Here is a list of the languages we can speak:'}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 4}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 1, string: 'fr-FR'}"
rosservice call /svox_tts/speech "{mode: 5, string: 'Adieu.'}"