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ncatlett edited this page Aug 22, 2014 · 16 revisions

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Whistle Requirements

Command-line arguments

Required arguments

These arguments must be provided:

Short option Long option Description
-f --input-file Data set input file in IdAMP format.
-k --kam KAM name. Must be present in the local KAM catalog.
-r --run-name This input will be used as a prefix for output files.
-u --namespace-url Resource location URL of the data set's BEL namespace.

One of the following sets of argument(s) must be provided:

-s, --use-analyst-selection
Identify differentially expressed genes based on provided flag in [As] column of data.
-m, -p, AND -a
As alternate to analyst selection, fold change, p-value, and abundance thresholds must be provided to use for determining differentially expressed genes.
Short option Long option Description
-s --use-analyst-selection Use [As] column to identify differentially expressed genes.
-a --abundance-cutoff Abundance cutoff to apply to measurements.
-m --fold-change-cutoff Fold change cutoff to apply to measurements.
-p --p-value-cutoff p-value cutoff to apply to measurements.

Optional arguments

-t, --taxid
Use to select a species by taxid: human = 9606, mouse = 10090, rat = 10116. If a taxid is provided, orthologous nodes in the KAM will be collapsed to the selected species.
Output two additional files, a mapping file indicating how each measurement in the data file maps to the KAM and a details file which provides detailed scoring information for each mechanism.
-n, --population-size
Use to override the default population size (based on the values in the Id column and RNA abundance nodes in the selected KAM). The population size is used to calculate richness.

Sample runs

Windows, using analyst selection, orthologizing to human, and optional detail files:

whistle.cmd -r test_run -f GSE2638.csv -s -k "Large Corpus" -u -t 9606 -detail

Linux or OS X, using fold change, p-value, and abundance thresholds:

./ -r test_run -f GSE2638.csv -k "Large Corpus" -u -a 5 -m 1.3 -p 0.05

Whistle Outputs

population size
Calculated based on specified KAM and measurements provided in input data file.
number of state changes
Number of differentially expressed genes (based on analyst flag or user-specified abundance, p-value, and fold-change cutoffs)
number of Scores
Number of small networks produced from the selected KAM and evaluated by Whistle
results file
.csv file with scores for each small network evaluated
mapping file
(optional, provided if -detail argument used) .csv file with information about how each data measurement maps to the KAM
mechanism details file
(optional, provided if -detail argument used) .csv file with detailed scoring information for each mechanism