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David edited this page May 17, 2021 · 25 revisions

When using /help command, the usage section may display something like this:
/command <arg1> [<arg2>] <arg3...>

  • arg1 is displayed between <>, it means that this argument is required.
    • You must not write < or > in your command.
  • arg2 is displayed between [], it means that this argument is optional, you do not need to specify it if it's not necessary.
    • You must not write [< or >] in your command.
  • arg3 is followed by ..., it means that you can specify multiple arguments.
Category Name Description Usage / Example
weather Search weather report for a city /weather <city> [<country>]
/weather toulon france
math Evaluate an expression /math <expression>
/math 3*sin(pi)
translate Translate a text /translate <source_lang> <destination_lang> <text>
/translate auto fr Hello you!
wikipedia Search for Wikipedia article /wikipedia <word>
/wikipedia Einstein
poll Create a poll /poll <duration> <question> <choices...>
/poll 2m30 "Where do we eat at noon?" "White" "53" "A dog"
urban Search for Urban Dictionary definition (NSFW) /urban <word>
/urban Einstein
lyrics Search for music lyrics on Musixmatch /lyrics [<music>]
/lyrics 21 guns
chat Chat with an A.I. /chat <message>
/chat Hello you!
this_day Significant events on this day /this_day
joke Random dad joke /joke
deviantart Search random image from DeviantArt /image deviantart <query>
/image deviantart doom
wallhaven Search random wallpaper from Wallhaven /image wallhaven <query>
/image wallhaven doom
suicidegirls Show random image from SuicideGirls (NSFW) /image suicidegirls
rule34 Search random image from Rule34 (NSFW) /rule34 <query>
/rule34 doom
xkcd Show random comic from XKCD /image xkcd [<sort>]
/image xkcd latest
rps Play a Rock–paper–scissors game, win-streak increases gains /game rps <handsign>
/game rps rock
hangman Start or join a Hangman game /game hangman join/create [<difficulty>]
/game hangman create hard
trivia Start a Trivia game in which everyone can participate /game trivia [<category>]
/game trivia
russian_roulette Play russian roulette /game russian_roulette
slot_machine Play slot machine /game slot_machine
roulette Start or join a Roulette game /game roulette <bet> <place> [<number>]
/game roulette 100 black
blackjack Start or join a Blackjack game /game blackjack <bet>
/game blackjack 100
dice Start or join a Dice game with a common bet /game dice join/create [<bet>] <number>
/game dice create 100 5
lottery Buy a ticket for the lottery or display the current lottery status /game lottery [<number>]
/game lottery 3
coins Show user's coins /coins [<user>]
/coins @Shadbot
leaderboard Show coins leaderboard for this server /leaderboard
transfer Transfer coins to a user /transfer <coins> <user>
/transfer 100 @Shadbot
play Play the music(s) from the url, search terms or playlist /play <music> [<first>] [<soundcloud>]
/play E1M8
pause Toggle pause for current music /pause
stop Stop current music /stop
skip Skip current music and play the next one or directly skip to a music in the playlist /skip [<index>]
/skip 3
repeat Toggle song/playlist repetition /repeat [<mode>]
/repeat playlist
backward Fast backward current music a specified amount of time /backward <time>
/backward 1m20
forward Fast forward the current music a specified amount of time /forward <time>
/forward 1m20
volume Show or set current volume level /volume [<percentage>]
/volume 100
name Current music name /name
playlist Current playlist /playlist
shuffle Shuffle current playlist /shuffle
clear Clear current playlist /clear
bass_boost Drop the bass /bass_boost [<percentage>]
/bass_boost 150
fortnite Search for Fortnite statistics /gamestats fortnite <platform> <username>
/gamestats fortnite pc Shadbot
diablo Search for Diablo 3 statistics /gamestats diablo <region> <battletag>
/gamestats diablo eu Shadbot#2230
csgo Search for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive statistics /gamestats csgo <steamid>
/gamestats csgo Shadbot
overwatch Search for Overwatch statistics /gamestats overwatch <platform> <battletag>
/gamestats overwatch pc Shadbot#2230
ping Test ping /ping
info bot Show bot info /info bot
info user Show user info /info user <user>
/info user @Shadbot
info server Show server info /info server
feedback Send a feedback /feedback <message>
/feedback Hey, I can read this!
invite Get an invitation for the bot or for the support server /invite
achievements Show user's achievements /achievements [<user>]
/achievements @Shadbot
help Show the list of available commands /help [<command>]
/help game rps
manage_coins Manage users coins /moderation manage_coins <action> [<coins>] [<user>] [<role>]
/moderation manage_coins add 1500 @Shadbot
prune Delete messages (include embeds) /moderation prune [<author>] [<words>] [<limit>]
/moderation prune @Someone hello 5
kick Kick a user /moderation kick <user>
/moderation kick @Someone
softban Kick a user and delete his messages from the last 7 days /moderation softban <user>
/moderation softban @Someone
ban Ban a user and delete his messages from the last 7 days /moderation ban <user>
/moderation ban @Someone
iam Create a message with a reaction that gives role(s) /moderation iam <roles...>
/moderation iam @Somerole "Click on the emoji to get this role!"
rolelist Show a list of members with specific role(s) /moderation rolelist <roles...>
/moderation rolelist @Somerole
Setting See this section
allowed_roles Manage role(s) that can interact with Shadbot
auto_messages Manage auto-message(s) on user join/leave
auto_roles Manage auto assigned role(s)
blacklist Manage blacklisted command(s)
language Manage default server language
nsfw Manage current channel's NSFW state
restricted_channels Restrict commands to specific channels
restricted_roles Restrict commands to specific roles
show Show current settings
default_volume Manage music's default volume
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