A terminal interface for Snake. This is kind of a toy program, written as a demonstration of the brick library.
It is part of my Introduction to Brick tutorial. Feel free to leave issues here or on samtay/samtay.github.io if you spot any issues or want to leave feedback.
Installation on MacOS can be accomplished via homebrew:
brew install samtay/tui/snake
Arch Linux users can install from the AUR:
yay -S snake-terminal-git # or yaourt -S snake-terminal-git, etc.
Others can install from source with stack:
git clone https://github.com/samtay/snake.git
cd snake
stack install snake
If you are on Debian and want to install via package manager, feel free to open an issue and I'll try to get around to it.
After launching the game, press any of the arrow keys or the letters 'k', 'j', 'l', or 'h' to start the game.