Welcome to the PEAKFocus repository! This is the home of the PEAKFocus application, a project developed at START Munich's 24h Hackathon 2023 by team PEAKFocus:
- Fabian Mast, @fabianmast
- Oliver Klukas, @OliverKlukas
- Philipp Wulff, @philippwulff
- Shaurya Sharma, @shauryainf
Proposed by brainboost our great company partner for the hack, to drive innovation in the health- and sports-sector they gave this challenge:
Create an innovative software prototype that seamlessly integrates with brainboost's diverse product portfolio of live neurofeedback and EEG data for atlethe training and state-of-the-art technology infrastructure.
PEAKFocus is a mobile app that allows athletes to train their focus in the most important moments of their game. Many athletes internalize a routine to achieve and maintain focus during competitions. Our solution improves the training of these routines by providing feedback from a brain interface. More specifically, athletes are challenged to reduce the volume of a control sound through staying in a focused state of mind (which we measure via their brain activity) while doing their routine. The result is a more achievable, robust and retainable routine.
Check out our pitch for more details and watch the following product demo:
Please pay attention to the dependencies and follow the instructions below to build and run the application on your local machine.
We built PEAKFocus with Flutter and Dart. Please follow the installation instructions to set up your local development environment. We deliberatily developed PEAKFocus to be compatible with a wide range of neurofeedback devices. For the hackathon we used EEG caps provided by brainboost and transmitting software provided by them that precisely filters out brain activity from the raw EEG data. This filtered data stream can then be send to ou backend dataservice via tcp. For the application to function properly this data stream is required.
├── assets # Assets for GitHub
├── neuroapp # Flutter project
│ ├── analysis_options.yaml
│ ├── android
│ ├── assets
│ ├── build
│ ├── ios
│ ├── lib # Main application folder
│ │ ├── main.dart
│ │ ├── services # Backend services
│ │ └── views # Frontend views
│ ├── pubspec.lock
│ ├── pubspec.yaml
│ └── test
└── README.md
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/StartHack-PSFO/PeakFocus.git
- Open project and get dependencies
cd PeakFocus/neuroapp flutter pub get
- Connect an Android or iOS devie to your computer and run the app
flutter run