General purpose Telegram bot.
Modules are loaded automatically from ./src/serverModules using the filenames. If you create a hello.ts, you can call the module using /hello command from Telegram, simple as that. You can find modules documentation here
- Linux
- Termux
May work on other systems too with few changes. Not tested in Windows yet.
- git (only for download)
- telegram's bot api token
- curl (interact with telegram api)
- node
- npm
- fdir npm module (used by ransomware.ts and backup.ts to find files)
- Clone:
git clone && cd nbmxbsf
- Install required modules
npm install
- Create password.txt file
echo 'thisIsMyLoginPassword' > password.txt
- Create token.txt file
echo '1637382718:HWJSIW6BVhwUaL4JwhsiU6JevPQPipP3' > token.txt
- Run the Bot
npm start;
- Login in telegram bot chat
/login thisIsMyLoginPassword
- Run available commands
- Clone:
git clone && cd nbmxbsf
- Install required modules
npm install
- Make changes
echo '// Example of easily creating a time command
const time = (telegramText: string) => {
return new Date();
export default time;
' > ./src/serverModules/time.ts
Create password.txt and token.txt files
Compile and run
tsc && npm start
- If you're a developer, you don't need to touch the server.ts/server.js code. Just develop the modules in the serverModules folder.