The aim of this project is to provide a set of examples and challenges to learn the basics of go. The challenges are heavily inspired by the Rustlings project for the Rust programming language.
Useful resources: Go documentation Go learn section Go by example Go Web Examples
- Hello World
- Values
- Variables
- Constants
- For
- If/Else
- Switch
- Arrays
- Slices
- Maps
- Range
- Functions
- Multiple Return Values
- Variadic Functions
- Closures
- Recursion
- Pointers
- Strings and Runes
- Structs
- Methods
- Interfaces
- Struct Embedding
- Generics
- Errors
- Goroutines
- Channels
- Channel Buffering
- Channel Synchronization
- Channel Directions
- Select
- Timeouts
- Non-Blocking Channel Operations
- Closing Channels
- Range over Channels
- Timers
- Tickers
- Worker Pools
- WaitGroups
- Rate Limiting
- Atomic Counters
- Mutexes
- Stateful Goroutines
- Sorting
- Sorting by Functions
- Panic
- Defer
- Recover
- String Functions
- String Formatting
- Text Templates
- Regular Expressions
- Time
- Epoch
- Time Formatting / Parsing
- Random Numbers
- Number Parsing
- URL Parsing
- SHA256 Hashes
- Base64 Encoding
- Reading Files
- Writing Files
- Line Filters
- File Paths
- Directories
- Temporary Files and Directories
- Embed Directive
- Testing and Benchmarking
- Command-Line Arguments
- Command-Line Flags
- Command-Line Subcommands
- Environment Variables
- HTTP Client
- HTTP Server
- Context
- Spawning Processes
- Exec'ing Processes
- Signals
- Exit
- If you see something out of order, or something that could be improved, please open an issue or a pull request.
- If you want to add a new example or challenge, please open a pull request, use the same directory structure as the other examples and challenges.