Telegram Voice-Chat Bot To Play Music With Pytgcalls From Various Sources In Your Group.
- A Telegram account to use as the music bot, You cannot use regular bot accounts, as they cannot join voice chats. It must be a user account.
- API_ID and API_HASH for that account.
- The account must be an admin of the chat, with Manage Voice Chats and Delete Messages permissions.
- Linux-based OS. You cannot run this on Windows natively, Use WSL
- Python 3.9 or later.
- ffmpeg package, look below for instructions.
$ git clone
$ cd Telegram_VC_Bot
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
$ pip3 install -U pip
$ pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
$ cp
Edit with your own values.
$ python3
Read this ->
Download this file
$ pip3 install pyrogram TgCrypto
$ python3
Fork this repository and change name of
Then you will need get a session string, copy it, then press heroku deploy button.
Send commands to bot to play music.
$ git clone && cd Telegram_VC_Bot
$ cp sample.env .env
Edit .env with your own values.
$ sudo docker build . -t tgvc-bot
$ sudo docker run tgvc-bot
To stop use CTRL+C
Command | Description |
/help | Show Help Message. |
/skip | Skip Any Playing Music. |
/play [SONG_NAME] | To Play A Song Using Saavn. Service used can be changed in config ( DEFAULT_SERVICE ). |
/play youtube/saavn [SONG_NAME] | To Play A Song Using Specific Service. |
/play [with reply to an audio file] | To Play A Song With TG Audio File. |
/queue | Check Queue Status. |
/delqueue | Deletes Queue List and Playlist. |
/playlist [songs name separated by line] | Start Playing Playlist. |
/joinvc | Join Voice Chat. |
/leavevc | Leave Voice Chat. |
/volume [1-200] | Adjust Volume. |
/pause | Pause Music. |
/resume | Resume Music. |
- If you want any help you can ask here