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Releases: TonySimonovsky/sia

Sia v.0.0.4: Dynamic User Understanding - Sia now forms and updates opinions!

15 Jan 04:53
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Big update

  • Social Memory Enhancement. Sia now maintains and updates opinions about users she interacts with. The system:

    • Forms initial opinions based on conversation history
    • Updates opinions every 10 messages
    • Analyzes communication style, interests, and engagement patterns
    • Works independently on Twitter and Telegram
  • Opinion Generation System. Added a new system that helps Sia:

    • Track meaningful interactions with users
    • Form contextual opinions about conversation partners
    • Update these opinions as conversations evolve
    • Use this understanding to provide more personalized responses

This builds on Sia's existing conversation memory, adding dynamic user understanding that evolves with each interaction.

Sia v.0.0.3: Sia now lives on Telegram as well!

05 Dec 03:18
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Release Notes

Big update

  • Support of Telegram. Now Sia agents can communicate not only in Twitter, but in Telegram as well (post and engage). Besides other things this can be used as a support agent.
  • Parallel run of various clients. While adding Telegram integration, I refactored the ways agents run. Now Sia runs in parallel different clients you are using for it (Twitter and Telegram, more to be added soon).

Sia v.0.0.2: Knowledge Modules, Enhanced Character Descriptions, and Documentation Update

03 Dec 12:21
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Release Notes

Big update

  • Knowledge Modules: Implemented first version of knowledge modules and plugins. (Commit: 8166b02)
    The first module added is Google News search. The module searches for the relevant news (set in the character description as well as the frequency of collection). It has 1 plugin - Latest News - that generates posts based on the news collected.


  • Character Description: Added instructions for character description (do's and don'ts). (Commit: f2065b5)


  • README: Added the first version of the README with instructions on how to create and deploy an agent based on Sia.

Business as usual - improving Sia

01 Dec 02:08
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Release Notes


  • Response Filtering: Added reasoning output to response filtering to manage Twitter API usage. (Commit: 1a2930a)
  • Character Settings: Updated responses to align with character settings, enhancing personalization. (Commit: 972c88d)

Bug Fixes

  • Response Filtering: Updated response filtering logic to ensure accurate processing. (Commit: 02e4176)


  • README: Added the first version of the README with the instructions how to create and deploy agent based on Sia.


  • Responding Rules: Added rules for responding to enhance system behavior. (Commit: bf145af)
  • Temporary Limits: Implemented temporary limits on the number of replies to manage Twitter API usage. (Commits: 7f7ec1e, 359ec66)