The Ethereum Smart Contract Fuzzer for Security Vulnerability Detection
released under GPL v3 license.
Any questions with the tool, please contact Dr. Bo Jiang. [email protected]
A container with the dependencies set up can be found here.(password:l2ww
To open the container, install docker and run:
docker load<contractfuzzer.tar
docker run -i -t contractfuzzer/contractfuzzer:latest
To evaluate the example contracts inside the container, run:
cd /ContractFuzzer && ./ --contracts_dir ./examples/exception_disorder
and finally you will see results records file in directory /ContractFuzzer/examples/exception_dirorder/list/reporter/
docker build -t ContractFuzzer .
docker run -it -e "ContractFuzzer=/contractFuzzer/ContractFuzzer" ContractFuzzer:latest
- The contract's abi definition file provided.
- The contract's bin file provided
- The contract has been deployed to the Private Chain
How to deploy a contract to Private Chain can be found here.
The tested contract's directory tree would be like below, similiar to that of the example contracts we provided.
verified_contract_abi_sig (function signature from contract's abi)
verified_contract_bin_sig (function signature pairs from contract's bin)
- The names of contracts to test must be written into contracts.list
- The mapping of contract's name and address on chain must be written into addr_map.csv
docker run -it -v /YourGethEthereumPrivateChain:/Ethereum -v /yourTested_contract:/ContractFuzzer/tested_contract -e "ContractFuzzer=/contractFuzzer/ContractFuzzer" ContractFuzzer:latest
Now step into the container,run
cd /ContractFuzzer && ./ --contracts_dir ./tested_contract
And finally you could see results records file in directory '/YourTested_contract/list/reporter/' in host file systems rather than container!
The accompanying paper explaining the fuzzer can be found here or here.
A collection of the utilities that were developed for the paper are in tools
. Which are useful in some extents. Use them for your convenience.
- Contains a number of functions to get signature pair from contracts'
- Contains a number of functions to get signature pair from contracts' bin.download_verified_contract_from_etherscan
Contains a number of functions to retrieve verified contract source(abi,bin,constructor param
) from EtherScan
Some details about the repository structure as following.
is the base private chain that we deployed the public contracts and our agent contracts. Do not to crash it. And please deploy your contract upon it;contract_deployer
is the tool to deploy contract easily for us.contract_fuzzer
is one part of ContractFuzzer, which generates contract call messages based on contract's ABI definition;contract_tester
is one part of ContractFuzzer, which sends the contract call messages to our instrumented Geth client.go-ethereum-cf
is one part of ContractFuzzer, which instrumented the evm of Go-etheruem. And most codes added could be found under relative directorycore/vm
here provides some cases for us to make sense of the tool quickly.base
here provides some fundamental dockerfiles.golang, nodejs and their integreted enviroment.
Checkout out our contribution guide