- npm install
- npm start
- navigate to http://localhost:3000
- The Heat Map requires a
file (located in 'app' folder) with the Google Maps API key.
- Remote into the UCSC server
~/$ ssh [email protected]
~/$ password: ########
~/$ cd Interface
- Update the UCSC files with the latest master version
~/$ git pull
- update the node modules
~/$ npm update && npm update -dev
- update the production build
~/$ npm run build
- Find the running processes
~/$ ps aux | grep "node"
or~/$ ps aux | grep "node server.js"
- Kill the running processes
~/$ kill #####
- Or do the last two in one step (careful because this will kill all processes with this name)
~/$ pkill -f "node server.js"
- Start Server by running (include 'nohup' and '&' so the server will run in the background)
~/$ nohup node server.js &
For the desktop user:
For the touchscreen:
- The Line Chart is currently using a forked version of rd3 (hosted at https://github.com/DeliSauce/rd3). You need to npm install the forked version first and then navigate to the rd3 folder + npm install from there too. (cd node_modules/rd3 && npm install)
npm install --save https://github.com/DeliSauce/rd3/tarball/hotfix/add-props
steps for updating the forked version of rd3: FYI, it's difficult to test changes because when I npm install in the ZeroWaste local folder, babel converts to ES5 so I can't just copy/paste my changes into the forked repo.
CSS files loaded into components are locally scoped and you can point to class names with javascript. You can also compose classes together, also from other files. These are also hot loaded. Read more about them here.
To turn off CSS Modules remove it from the webpack.config.js
Type store.getState()
in the chrome developer console to see the current redux global state.
sample state:
currentView: {
scope: 'local',
site: 'Oakes',
view: 0
records: {
data: {
Oakes: [
{ Load_Split: ...,
PickupTime: ...,
Product: ...,
Location: ...,
Diversion_Type: ...,
{ Load_Split: ...,
PickupTime: ...,
Product: ...,
Location: ...,
Diversion_Type: ...,
Kresge: [
errors: [...],
leaders: [
{site: "Kresge", totalLoad: 6902, totalDiverted: 2862, totalRefuse: ####, diversionRatio: 41.46624},
{site: "Porter", totalLoad: 14695, totalDiverted: 5772, totalRefuse: ####, diversionRatio: 39.27866},
Refuse: 508
Mixed Recycle: 512
Cardboard: 323
GreenWaste: 32
Currently fetching pickup data over a 60 day span. Each pickup has 14 key/value pairs.
new schema: [ { PickupTime: "2017-08-09T00:13:00.000Z", Year_Month: "2017-08", Month_Num: 8, Week_Num: "2017-32", LoadmanAcct: 907, LoadName: "RR-CMK-OR", LoadName_Split: "RR-CMK-OR", Product: "Compost", Diversion_Type: "Diverted", ContainerType: "Roll Off", Size_CY: 20, Location: "Crown/Merrill Kitchen", Location_Type: "Dining", Load_Split: 12120 }, ... ] old schema: [ { Record: 98150, UserTmp: 0, PickupTime: "2017-08-30T12:49:45.000Z", UploadTime: "2017-08-30T12:54:02.000Z", AcctDetect: 3, Customer: "Recharge", CustomerName: "Recharge", Site: "Bin Recycling Container", SiteName: "Bin Recycling Container", ServId: "RFTVREF_15052", LoadmanAcct: 1063, LoadName: "BR-R-VIL-W-OUT", Asset: "000", AssetType: " --unspecified-- ", AssetRfid: null, Delivery: 0, AssetDetect: 0, Region: " --unspecified-- ", Zone: " --unspecified-- ", Type: " --unspecified-- ", Frequency: "30_R_Village", ServType: "Mixed Recycle-Bin", Quantity: 7013, Route: "Housing-Bin-CRV-Truck 6", Load: 23, NVW: 8964, Capacity: 0, Volume: null, Density: 0, MaxDensity: null, Container: 122, Extra3: 0, Extra4: 0, ProductId: "3", Product: "Mixed Recycle", Truck: "6", TruckName: "R-7876 Optimus", Driver: "Calderon, J.C.", LoadLat: 36988411, LoadLon: -122055398, ProblemCode: "NO PROBLEM", Problem: "- -", ContactName: null, Phone: null, Address: null, Address2: null, City: null, State: null, Zip: null, Latitude: 36988411, Longitude: -122055521, Exported: 0, DbExported: 0, ConflictType: -2147483648, AuditType: 0, row: "1" }, ... ]