is an open-source CLI utility similar to steamcmd
. It provides access to a number of Steam features and data from the command line. While it is possible to download apps and content from Steam, steamctl is not a game launcher.
pip install steamctl
Install directly from github
pip install git+
apps Get information about apps
|- activate_key Activate key(s) on account
|- licenses Manage licenses
| |- list List all licenses on account
| |- add Add free package license(s)
| \- remove Remove free package license(s)
|- list List owned or all apps
|- product_info Show product info for app
\- item_def Get item definitions for app
assistant Helpful automation
|- idle-games Idle up to 32 games for game time
|- idle-cards Automatic idling for game cards
\- discovery-queue Explore a single discovery queue
authenticator Manage Steam authenticators
|- add Add authentictor to a Steam account
|- remove Remove an authenticator
|- list List all authenticators
|- status Query Steam Guard status for account
|- code Generate auth code
\- qrcode Generate QR code
clear Remove data stored on disk
|- cache Remove all cache and data files
|- credentials Remove all credentials and saved logins
\- all Remove all cache files
cloud Manage Steam Cloud files (e.g. save files, settings, etc)
|- list List files for app
|- list_apps List all apps with cloud files
\- download Download files for app
depot List and download from Steam depots
|- info View info about a depot(s)
|- list List files from depot(s)
|- download Download depot files
|- diff Compare files between manifest(s) and filesystem
\- decrypt_gid Decrypt manifest gid
hlmaster Query master server and server information
|- query Query HL Master for servers
\- info Query info from a goldsrc or source server
steamid Parse SteamID representations
ugc Info and download of user generated content
|- info Get details for UGC
\- download Download UGC
webapi Access to WebAPI
|- set-key Set WebAPI key
|- clear-key Remove saved key
|- list List all available WebAPI endpoints
\- call Call WebAPI endpoint
workshop Search and download workshop items
|- search Search the workshop
|- info Get all details for a workshop item
|- download Download a workshop item
|- subscribe Subscribe to workshop items
|- unsubscribe Unsubscribe to workshop items
|- favorite Favourite workshop items
\- unfavorite Unfavourite workshop items
steamctl authenticator
(No root required, and transferable token. Steamapp, steamctl
, and aegis, with the same token)
(video) steamctl depot
(video) steamctl workshop
(video) steamctl webapi
(video) steamctl hlmaster