No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
This PR has been TMed to the main server
surely this is good for the game
Fixing this mess one line at a time
this is one of the big ones...
Do not merge this PR. I swear to god.
Improvements or additions to documentation
This PR is for fixing bugs
Extra attention is needed
You've changed something minor or major within a map file! Woah...
This PR has conflicting changes with the main branch and can't be merged
"This is music to my ears." *white noise plays in the background
The hardest thing to decide is if this is NOT a balance change
What used to be there is no longer there. How sad.
A change of an sound files such as foley.
This affects the appearance of something in game. Such as an item or a wall.
This PR will not be considered for a merge, and is only to be TMed.
Modifies an external tool
Just changes a thing a little
reviewers beware... you're in for a scare...
You can’t perform that action at this time.