WBA -- Quarter 2, 2024, Solana developer's course.
I've copy/pasted the program files and test into this repository, but the link back to my personal repository for over_under has fully working environment.
Capstone Repository:
Devnet Front End: https://over-under-beta.vercel.app/
Program Address: 6qUeZY7njik5mb5Q3MCGkdyt8NSvyLtAxsDnErhVm6dV
pet that dog!
Parent repo: https://github.com/bgoober/pet-that-dog
pet that dog! is a launch pad for proof-of-interaction SPL tokens. Pet dogs, mint tokens.
I built Disburser, an x/feeshare contract designed to handle automated disbursement of fees generated by a dapp to its team of developers based on their percentage ownership of the underlying application.
It was launched on Juno testnet, but that has since been taken down, changed, or purged of old contracts (not sure).
The repo can be found here: https://github.com/bgoober/Disburser