wiuppy is a Python3 wrapper for the Where's It Up API (version 4).
- Python 3.2
Once you have cloned the repository, you can install the module with pip
on Ubuntu:
$ git clone https://github.com/WonderNetwork/wiuppy.git
$ cd wiuppy
$ sudo pip3 install .
See the official Where's It Up documentation for full API details.
import wiuppy
# get the servers available
api = wiuppy.WIU(wiu_client_id, wiu_client_token)
# submit a new job requesting pings from Denver to www.google.com
api = wiuppy.WIU(wiu_client_id, wiu_client_token)
job_id = api.submit('http://www.google.com', [ 'ping' ], [ 'Denver' ])
# get the API response as a python dictionary
results = api.retrieve(job_id) # tasks will be 'in progress' until they complete
import wiuppy
# submit a new job and get the results
api = wiuppy.WIU(wiu_client_id, wiu_client_token)
job = wiuppy.Job(api)
job.uri = 'http://www.google.com'
job.tests = [ 'ping', 'dig', 'trace' ]
job.servers = [ 'Denver', 'Lima', 'Sydney' ]
job_id = job.submit().id # fluent interface
job.retrieve(poll=True) # query the API until all the tasks are done
job.results # job results as a python dict
print(job) # job result details as a formatted JSON string
# get the results from a previously submitted job
wiuppy.Job(api, job_id).retrieve()
For convenience, a command-line client is bundled with this project.
usage: wiuppy.py [-h] [-C CLIENT] [-T TOKEN] [-u URI] [-t TESTS]
[-s SERVERS] [-j JOB] [-p] [-f]
Make a request against the WIU API
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-C CLIENT, --client CLIENT
Where's It Up client ID (required)
-T TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Where's It Up client token (required)
-u URI, --uri URI uri to query
-t TESTS, --tests TESTS
comma-separated tests to run
-s SERVERS, --servers SERVERS
comma-separated server locations to run from
-j JOB, --job JOB job ID for an existing request to retrieve
-p, --poll query the API until the job is complete
-f, --findtowel
Run without arguments to get a list of available servers, with -j
to get the
results from an existing job, or with -u
to submit a new job.
If you'd rather not drop your WIU client and token in the command line every time you make a request, you can use either environment variables:
export WIUPPY_CLIENT=abcdef
export WIUPPY_TOKEN=123456
or a config file at ~/.wiuppy
on Windows):