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YoungVision Website - Built with Astro

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Built with Astro

This is the front-end repo for (CMS Repo), built using Astro.

📦 Prerequisites

📥 Installation

Clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone
cd website
pnpm install

🚧 Working on Tasks

  1. Choose an issue to work on.

  2. Create a new branch using:

  3. After making changes, commit them using:

  4. Push your branch and open a Pull Request (PR) following the process below.

🧪 Testing

We use playwright for our E2E tests. You can find the tests in the tests/ directory.

You can run the tests with:

pnpm run test

This might need some additional setup. Usually you can run this to install the browsers:

pnpm exec playwright install --with-deps

📁 Project Structure

├── public/            # Static assets (images, icons, etc.)
├── src/
│   ├── components/    # UI components
│   ├── pages/         # Astro pages
│   ├── styles/        # Global styles
│   └── utils/         # Utility functions
├── tests/             # E2E tests
│   ├── fixtures.ts    # Fixture files for tests
│   └── *.test.ts      # Test files
├── package.json       # Project dependencies and scripts
└── astro.config.mjs   # Astro configuration

🛠️ Commands

Command Description
pnpm install Installs dependencies
pnpm run dev Starts a local development server
pnpm run build Builds the production site
pnpm run preview Previews the built site before deployment
pnpm run lint Check the code
pnpm run format Format the code
pnpm run test Run our E2E tests (might need setup)
pnpm run astro ... Runs Astro CLI commands
pnpm run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CLI

📜 Pull Request Process

To contribute to this project, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository and create your feature branch (feature/your-feature).
  2. Commit your changes using better-commits.
  3. Push to the branch.
  4. Open a Pull Request and describe your changes.
  5. Wait for a review and make requested changes if necessary.
  6. Once approved, your PR will be merged.

📚 Want to Learn More?




💻 📖

