The "Hello from NestJS!👋" application is just a starter to show a minimalist NestJS app.
Clone this repository:
Go on the project root folder:
cd poc-nestjs/
Execute this command to launch docker container:
docker compose -f docker/compose.yaml up -d --build
Install JavaScript dependencies:
docker compose -f docker/compose.yaml exec node pnpm install
There's no need to configure anything before running the application. There are 2 different ways of running this application depending on your needs:
Option 1. Run the application in dev mode
Start the application using the dev server:
docker compose -f docker/compose.yaml exec node pnpm start:dev
Then access the application in your browser at the given URL (http://localhost:3000 by default).
Option 2. Run the application in prod mode
docker compose -f docker/compose.yaml exec node pnpm start:prod
You can check everything is OK by opening the same URL as dev and navigate on your application.
Execute this command to run tests:
docker compose -f docker/compose.yaml exec node pnpm test
Execute this command to run tests for e2e:
docker compose -f docker/compose.yaml exec node pnpm test:e2e