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Confusion Matrix? #669
Hi there, Thanks for opening the issue! If you have data as strings, just use the Codification filter to transform them to numbers on the fly when you need it. I think it could be something as simple as var codification = new Codification("labels", your_ground_truth_as_A_B_C_etc));
int[] expected = codifications.Transform(your_ground_truth_as_A_B_C_etc)
int[] actual = codifications.Transform(the_outputs_of_your_classifier_as_A_B_C_etc) Do you think this could work for you? I think that Precision, Recall, Accuracy, are all implemented in ConfusionMatrix, so you would be able to get those measures from there. Regards, |
I guess I can't because I keep getting KeyNotFoundException on condification.Transform(actualList.ToArray()). I'm not sure what's going on. string[] labelsList = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".ToCharArray().Select(c => c.ToString()).ToArray();
var codification = new Acc.Filters.Codification("Labels", labelsList);
int[] expected = codification.Transform(expectedList.ToArray());
int[] actual = codification.Transform(actualList.ToArray());
var confusionMtx = new Acc.Analysis.ConfusionMatrix(actual, expected);
var mtx = confusionMtx.ToGeneralMatrix(); As you might guess, my expectedList and my actualList are [A-Z][0-9]. Perhaps my actualList or expectedList doesn't have all 36 chars. Would that cause it to bomb like this? |
I think that you actually need to use the GeneralConfusionMatrix class instead of ConfusionMatrix. The ConfusionMatrix was originally made for binary classification problems, and the "General" for multi-class problems. I guess it would be better if ConfusionMatrix was renamed to BinaryConfusionMatrix to avoid confusions, but at this point I didn't want to introduce yet another breaking change in the framework... If you start creating a GeneralConfusionMatrix instead of a ConfusionMatrix, from there you will be able to access the Matrix, RowTotals and ColumnTotals properties to build the matrix as shown in your screenshot. Regards, |
Thanks @cesarsouza. I have the basic grid now, although it was a pain to create. ;) I still have a question though. Why do these statements return different results? The table below is generated from the confusionMtx variable, so it seems correct to me. When I look at the cm variable, I like the stats but they don't seem to match the confusionMtx. i.e. the TP,FP,FN,TN are way different than I expect. Perhaps I'm just ignorant about what's really going on here. Maybe it's all confused here because it's expecting a binary value like 1 or 0 and i have all kinds of other values? var confusionMtx = new Acc.Analysis.GeneralConfusionMatrix(labelsList.Length, expected, predicted);
var cm = new Acc.Analysis.ConfusionMatrix(predicted, expected); For anyone else trying to visualize a confusion matrix, this is how I did it. string[] labelsList = actualList.Concat(expectedList).Distinct().OrderBy(c=>c).ToArray();
var codification = new Acc.Filters.Codification("Labels", labelsList);
int[] expected = codification.Transform(expectedList.ToArray()); // ground truth data
int[] predicted = codification.Transform(actualList.ToArray()); // predicted from OCR
var confusionMtx = new Acc.Analysis.GeneralConfusionMatrix(labelsList.Length, expected, predicted);
// Put the confusion matrix into a datatable
var dt = new DataTable();
foreach (var col in labelsList)
//Add the reporting columns
for (int y = 0; y < confusionMtx.Classes; y++)
DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
row[0] = labelsList[y];
for (int x = 0; x < confusionMtx.Classes; x++)
row[x+1] = confusionMtx.Matrix[x, y];
// Add the error for this row
row[confusionMtx.Classes + 1] = confusionMtx.ColumnTotals[y] - confusionMtx.Diagonal[y];
// Add the precision for this row
try { row[confusionMtx.Classes + 2] = ((float)((float)confusionMtx.Diagonal[y] / confusionMtx.ColumnTotals[y]) * 100).ToString("N2"); } catch { row[confusionMtx.Classes + 2] = 0.0f; }
// Add the total for this row
row[confusionMtx.Classes + 3] = confusionMtx.ColumnTotals[y];
DataRow errRow = dt.NewRow();
errRow[0] = "Error";
DataRow recallRow = dt.NewRow();
recallRow[0] = "Recall";
DataRow totalRow = dt.NewRow();
totalRow[0] = "Total";
for (int i = 0; i < confusionMtx.Classes; i++)
// Add the error for the columns
errRow[i + 1] = confusionMtx.RowTotals[i] - confusionMtx.Diagonal[i];
// Add the recall for the columns
try { recallRow[i + 1] = ((float)((float)confusionMtx.Diagonal[i] / confusionMtx.RowTotals[i]) * 100).ToString("N2"); } catch { recallRow[i + 1] = 0.0f; }
// Add the total for the columns
totalRow[i + 1] = confusionMtx.RowTotals[i];
// Add total samples
totalRow[confusionMtx.Classes + 3] = confusionMtx.Samples;
// Add total Errors
errRow[confusionMtx.Classes + 1] = confusionMtx.RowTotals.Sum() - confusionMtx.Diagonal.Sum();
dt.Rows.Add(totalRow); |
I think I've finally figured all this mess out. With the addition of this code I was able to calculate the values I previously requested and create a ConfusionMatrix based on the values to easily get statistics. // Calculate scores
for (int i = 0; i < confusionMtx.Classes; i++)
// Diagonal also known as TruePositive (TP)
int TP = confusionMtx.Diagonal[i];
// FalsePositive (FP) = Sum of column minus TP
int FP = confusionMtx.RowTotals[i] - TP;
// TrueNegative (TN) = Sum of everything not in your class's row or column
int TN = confusionMtx.Samples - confusionMtx.RowTotals[i] - confusionMtx.ColumnTotals[i];
// FalseNegative (FN) = Sum of row minus TP
int FN = confusionMtx.ColumnTotals[i] - TP;
var cm = new Acc.Analysis.ConfusionMatrix(TP, FN, FP, TN);
//Console.WriteLine($"Class=[{codification.Columns[0].Mapping.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == i).Key}] TP=[{TP}] FP=[{FP}] FN=[{FN}] TN=[{TN}] Acc=[{cm.Accuracy}] FS=[{cm.FScore}]");
dt.Rows[i][confusionMtx.Classes + 4] = TP;
dt.Rows[i][confusionMtx.Classes + 5] = TN;
dt.Rows[i][confusionMtx.Classes + 6] = FP;
dt.Rows[i][confusionMtx.Classes + 7] = FN;
dt.Rows[i][confusionMtx.Classes + 8] = (cm.Precision * 100).ToString("N3");
dt.Rows[i][confusionMtx.Classes + 9] = (cm.Recall * 100).ToString("N3");
dt.Rows[i][confusionMtx.Classes + 10] = (cm.FScore * 100).ToString("N3");
dt.WriteToCsvFile($"{msOutputFolderName}\\{msOutputFileName}.csv"); |
Hi @fdncred, This is a bit weird. Do you have a multi-class problem or a binary problem? If you have multiple classes, then you should be using only the GeneralConfusionMatrix class and not the ConfusionMatrix at all. When you have multiple classes you don't actually have true positives or false negatives for the problem because your problem is not actually organized as positive/negative samples. What you can do, however, is to get a binary confusion matrix for each class in your multi-class decision problem. In this case, indeed you can use the ConfusionMatrix, but you need to use the constructor that accepts a positiveValue parameter where you can specify which class label should be considered the "positive", so all the others can be considered "negative". This way you will be able to create Maybe I could also try adding a method for that in GeneralConfusionMatrix. Regards, |
@cesarsouza Weird or not, it appears to work. The stats match. If you look at Precision vs Precision2 and Recall vs Recall2, they're identical and calculated differently. Precision2 and Recall2 are based on your ConfusionMatrix. Precision and Recall are based off of GeneralConfusionMatrix. I have multiple classes, one for each OCR recognized and mis-recognized character. You can see in my code snippet above how TP and FN are calculated. Some of the maths came from here. |
Thanks a lot for sharing your code, @fdncred. I will be taking a closer look at it and possibly come up with a solution to integrate this functionality in Accord.NET. Indeed, weird or not, user needs are a top priority in the development of this framework! |
Hi @fdncred, Do you have the list of expected and predicted values in the variables Regards, |
Also, I know it might be late for you since you already resolved your original problem, but I am adding functionality to allow creating the table you need in a way similar to this: // Example for https://github.com/accord-net/framework/issues/669
string[] expectedLabels = { "A", "A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "B" };
string[] predictedLabels = { "A", "B", "C", "C", "A", "C", "B" };
// Create a codification object to translate char into symbols
var codification = new Codification("Labels", expectedLabels);
int[] expected = codification.Transform(expectedLabels); // ground truth data
int[] predicted = codification.Transform(predictedLabels); // predicted from OCR
// Create a new confusion matrix for multi-class problems
var cm = new GeneralConfusionMatrix(expected, predicted);
// Obtain relevant measures
int[,] matrix = cm.Matrix;
int[] error = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.Errors);
double[] recall = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.Recall);
int[] total = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.Samples);
int[] tp = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.TruePositives);
int[] tn = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.TrueNegatives);
int[] fp = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.FalsePositives);
int[] fn = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.FalseNegatives);
double[] precision = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.Precision);
double[] fscore = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.FScore);
// Create a matrix with all measures
double[,] values = matrix.ToDouble()
// Name of each of the columns in order to create a data table
string[] columnNames = codification.Columns[0].Values.Concatenate(
"Error", "Recall", "Total", "TP", "TN", "FP", "FN", "Precision", "F-Score");
// Create a table from the matrix and columns
DataTable table = values.ToTable(columnNames); |
@cesarsouza Attached is the test sample I used. (List removed) This is the code I used to prepare it for the confusion matrix so I could compare each character. string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(msInputFileName).Skip(1).ToArray();
// Truth,OCR
// Create lists of chars
List<string> expectedList = new List<string>();
List<string> predictedList = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in lines)
string[] tokens = item.Split(',');
string truthStr = tokens[0];
string ocrStr = tokens[1];
if (truthStr.Length > 0 && truthStr.Length == ocrStr.Length)
// split to chars
char[] truthCharArr = truthStr.ToCharArray();
char[] ocrCharArr = ocrStr.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < truthCharArr.Length; i++)
} I haven't tried your code yet but I'm not sure about one part. In my code I combined the predictedList labels and expectedList labels with this line: string[] labelsList = predictedList.Concat(expectedList).Distinct().OrderBy(c => c).ToArray(); You're doing it differently. I ran into problems because with OCR your expected list and predicted list are not always the same. For example, if you assume the attached list labels are [A-Z0-9], you'll run into problems because there are other characters than that. I'll have to test yours and see what happens. I like that you're adding code to get the information out as a DataTable. I'll use your implementation if it gives the same results. Thanks! |
Ah I see. I was considering that the expected list was coming from a training set and that the predictions were coming from the an OCR model that has been created from this same training set. Under normal situations, the training set should contain all the data labels that would have been expected during testing. If the training set doesn't contain a label, then there is no hope that this label could have been ever correctly identified in a testing set. However, now I see that in the kind of testing your are doing you are not necessarily measuring the performance of a classifier that has been created from the set of expected labels. You are measuring a general model on different sets from the ones that have been used to create it. Anyways, I will update the thread soon after I check all the outputs are correct. Thanks a lot for providing the data example! Regards, |
…ting on binary classification results; Adding a new PerClassesMatrices property that can be used to retrieve per-class confusion matrices and related measures. - Updates GH-669: Confusion Matrix
@cesarsouza I was looking at your PerClassMatrices code and noticed that you're calculating fp and fn differently than I, the rows and columns are swapped. Is that because I was calculating it wrong? Your code: int fp = colSum[i] - diagonal[i];
int fn = rowSum[i] - diagonal[i]; My code: // FalsePositive (FP) = Sum of column minus TP
int FP = confusionMtx.RowTotals[i] - TP;
// FalseNegative (FN) = Sum of row minus TP
int FN = confusionMtx.ColumnTotals[i] - TP; |
Hmm... I have to take a look again, but the way I did made the unit tests pass (I was comparing to a ConfusionMatrix that was being created directly from the data as if the label associated with the class was a "positive" and all the rest were "negative"). |
My only other "complaint" is that I haven't figured out how to insert the Row Headers and Row Summaries of Errors, Totals, and Precision by column. It's not clear to me, by looking at your code, if InsertColumn is really Insert a column, such as one at the very beginning, or if it's really an AppendColumn, that only adds columns to the end. Still looking. |
By default, InsertColumn inserts at the end. But if you think it looks confusing, you can also Matrix.Concatenate(), as long as you transform the single vectors into columns using Matrix.ColumnVector(columnArray). |
i.e.: You could use
(the number of arguments is variable, you can concatenate horizontally as many matrices as you want) |
Thanks but I'm still lost. :) VS2017 says this with your code
I'm also not sure if your example is supposed to give me a new column of row headers or a summary of errors and precision rows at the end of the matrix. Sorry if I'm being obtuse. |
It is just because the arrays we are trying to concatenate have mixed types (some are double[] and others are int[]):
The end result is just a concatenation of all the columns into a single two-dimensional array. I am just processing it like this because I think its easier than adding columns to a data table (as the framework does not offer methods for doing the same with data tables). |
So I guess you're saying that I can't use this methodology to get Row Headers or Summaries of the Columns in the rows beneath the matrix. it looks to me like this: double[,] values = Matrix.Concatenate<double>(
); produces the same exact result as this: double[,] values2 = matrix.ToDouble()
.InsertColumn(fscore); Maybe I'm not explaining myself well enough. With this matrix there is a header row containing the list of labels. I want that same list of labels going down the first column as well. And then at the end of the matrix I want column summaries in rows and row summaries in columns. I essentially want it to look like the screenshot from a few days ago. |
Oh sorry, now I realize what you mean. You mean adding the class labels as the first column, as well as adding the "Error", "Precision" and "Total" rows at the bottom of the table. I thought I had read your question too fast, now I am sure. In fact, I haven't added the functionality to calculate the errors and precisions for the rows yet. I guess that for now, it could be possible to add those columns and rows after the initial data table has been created using a mixture of the method I had shown above and the initial method you were using before. Well, sorry for the confusion in the previous answers. If you want to have an initial array of "string" type in the beginning of your matrix as I had shown above, you can use something like:
The problem is that now it will not be possible to create a DataTable with the column names already set from this matrix definition because I've just seen that this overload is missing. You would have to name the columns manually, after:
Now, for the rows that should come below, unfortunately they would have to be manually set at this time, at least until I can implement the functionality to compute them from the confusion table in the future. |
Much better. Thanks for the progress and sorry for the confusion. I'll try to figure out the column summary rows tomorrow. And please let me know what you figure out about the precision and recall being swapped. |
It turns out you can actually append the summary rows using InsertRow: object[,] values = Matrix.Concatenate<object>(
values = values.InsertRow(Matrix.Concatenate<object>("Error", colErrors.ToObject()));
values = values.InsertRow(Matrix.Concatenate<object>("Precision", rowPrecision.ToObject()));
values = values.InsertRow(Matrix.Concatenate<object>("Total", colTotal.ToObject()));
// Name of each of the columns in order to create a data table
string[] columnNames = "Label".Concatenate(codification.Columns[0].Values.Concatenate(
"Error", "Recall", "Total", "TP", "TN", "FP", "FN", "Precision2", "Recall2", "F-Score"));
// Create a table from the matrix and columns
DataTable table = values.ToTable(columnNames); Now, the only problem is that you might have to compute some of the variables manually for now (e.g. colErrors, rowErrors) as I had not included them yet in the framework. Also, note that the syntax above is a bit ugly because we are stretching a bit the usage of InsertRow/InsertCol. Normally those would have been used with columns/rows/values with matching data types. It is nice to know it works with mixed data types as well, though. Regards, |
…ionMatrix; Updating general confusion matrix construction example to consider total rows; - Updates GH-669: Confusion Matrix
Thanks @cesarsouza for putting so much work into this! I got your latest changes and built the libraries and tested this morning. I used the code in your unit test with my dataset. The results are super close but there are still some things that don't look right. See the highlighted items in the screenshot below.
I think I might have this figured out. This is a list of my changes. GeneralConfusionMatrix.cs // Diagonal also known as TruePositive (TP)
int tp = Diagonal[i];
// FalsePositive (FP) = Sum of column minus TP
int fp = ColumnErrors[i];
// TrueNegative (TN) = Sum of everything not in your class's row or column
int tn = Samples - RowTotals[i] - ColumnTotals[i];
// FalseNegative (FN) = Sum of row minus TP
int fn = RowErrors[i];
matrices[i] = new ConfusionMatrix(
truePositives: tp, falseNegatives: fn,
falsePositives: fp, trueNegatives: tn); then i changed your test code to this: string[] labelsList = predictedList.Concat(expectedList).Distinct().OrderBy(c => c).ToArray();
var codification = new Codification("Labels", labelsList);
int[] expected = codification.Transform(expectedList.ToArray());
int[] predicted = codification.Transform(predictedList.ToArray());
var cm = new GeneralConfusionMatrix(expected, predicted);
int[] rowErrors = cm.RowErrors;
int[] colErrors = cm.ColumnErrors;
double[] rowPrecision = cm.Precision;
double[] colRecall = cm.Recall;
int[] colTotal = cm.ColumnTotals;
int[] rowTotal = cm.RowTotals;
// Obtain relevant measures
int[,] matrix = cm.Matrix;
int[] tp = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.TruePositives);
int[] tn = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.TrueNegatives);
int[] fp = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.FalsePositives);
int[] fn = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.FalseNegatives);
double[] precision2 = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.Precision);
double[] recall2 = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.Recall);
double[] fscore = cm.PerClassMatrices.Apply(x => x.FScore);
object[,] column01 = Matrix.ColumnVector(codification.Columns[0].Values).ToObject();
object[,] columns2_to_4 = matrix.ToObject();
object[,] column05 = Matrix.ColumnVector(rowErrors).ToObject();
object[,] column06 = Matrix.ColumnVector(colRecall).ToObject();
object[,] column07 = Matrix.ColumnVector(rowTotal).ToObject();
object[,] column08 = Matrix.ColumnVector(tp).ToObject();
object[,] column09 = Matrix.ColumnVector(tn).ToObject();
object[,] column10 = Matrix.ColumnVector(tp).ToObject();
object[,] column11 = Matrix.ColumnVector(fn).ToObject();
object[,] column12 = Matrix.ColumnVector(precision2).ToObject();
object[,] column13 = Matrix.ColumnVector(recall2).ToObject();
object[,] column14 = Matrix.ColumnVector(fscore).ToObject();
object[,] values = Matrix.Concatenate(
object[] row05 = Matrix.Concatenate<object>("Error", colErrors.ToObject());
object[] row06 = Matrix.Concatenate<object>("Precision", rowPrecision.ToObject());
object[] row07 = Matrix.Concatenate<object>("Total", colTotal.ToObject());
values = values.InsertRow(row05)
// Name of each of the columns in order to create a data table
string[] columnNames = "Label".Concatenate(codification.Columns[0].Values.Concatenate(
"Error", "Recall", "Total", "TP", "TN", "FP", "FN", "Precision2", "Recall2", "F-Score"));
// Create a table from the matrix and columns
DataTable table = values.ToTable(columnNames); And things seem to work better now. The only thing I can't figure out is how to get the 2nd to last row to appear as double. I think it may have something to do with the ToTable() method. |
Hi fdncred, I can't write much right now as I am on the go, but I just wanted to say that confusion matrices (especially multi-class ones) are sometimes transposed depending on the implementation. It depends on the convention being used. As long as the metrics are correct in respect to the convention chosen, it should be fine. The problem here (besides the many others you identified, thanks about that) is that I didn't realize your conventions were transposed wrt mine and I based some of the formulas on the code you posted before. It was actually my fault for not checking beforehand. |
In the convention you need, where would you put the labels "expected" and "prediction" by the way? "prediction" on top of the table, and "expected" on the left side? |
I can work with it transposed in either way if all the numbers are correct. My problem was that it was a mix of some of the data being in one way and some of the other data being transposed all in one table. That was just too confusing. So maybe you could report it one way and have a helper function to transpose it if a user needed it in the other way. In my examples the column labels are the ground truth (expected) and the row labels (predicted) are the OCR output. |
Just found another bug/type-o. object[,] column08 = Matrix.ColumnVector(tp).ToObject();
object[,] column09 = Matrix.ColumnVector(tn).ToObject();
object[,] column10 = Matrix.ColumnVector(tp).ToObject();
object[,] column11 = Matrix.ColumnVector(fn).ToObject(); There are two tp in this section of code. There should be a tp and fp. |
Hi @fdncred Thanks a lot for finding all those typos, and also thanks for the suggestion about transposing the matrix in case the user needs it. Actually, this was a very good one. Most (maybe all?) libraries just go for a single convention, and then expect users to adapt to it or convert to / from by themselves. It would be really neat if the framework could support both cases without expecting too much from the user side. I may try to implement a few things in this direction. By the way, sorry again for the bugs, I had indeed not validated the code enough since it was not about to be included in an official release. Regards, |
Hi @fdncred, Can I at least include the values of your confusion matrix as a unit test in the framework (under the LGPL), together with a shuffled version of the list of assignments (i.e. the integer vectors for the predicted and expected values)? It should be impossible to trace back those values to your original data, since they would be seen as just arrays of seemingly random integer numbers. Regards, |
Sure. That sounds reasonable. |
…passed; Fixing Matrix's ToTable method to use the most high level type possible when creating columns; - Updates GH-669
…instead of predictions; Adding shuffled, randomized and summarized test data for GH-669.
@cesarsouza FYI, I dropped in 3.6.3-alpha into my code base and it appears to have run well. My "old" results match the results with 3.6.3-alpha. So, that's good! Thanks for all the hard work!!! |
Added in release v3.7.0. |
Is there a way to create a confusion matrix with items other than numbers? For example, on an OCR project I want to create a csv with A-Z in the column header and A-Z on the row header with the data being how many mistakes were made. I would provide data as in input like this:
If I've read the code correctly, I only see a way to create a confusion matrix with numbers.
I'd also like to have properties for precision, recall, f-measure, accuracy, failure rate. So maybe this is just a feature request, if the ability doesn't exist.
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