Heavily Inspired by [dopy](https://github.com/devo-ps/dopy).
# pip install git+https://github.com/adebarbara/olpy
To interact with Online Labs, you first need .. a online labs account.
>>> from olpy.manager import OlManager
>>> ol = OlManager('api_token')
Or if you don't have a token
>>> from olpy.manager import OlManager
>>> ol = OlManager()
>>> token = ol.new_token('email','password')['id']
>>> ol.set_token(token)
The methods of the OlManager are self explanatory; ex.
>>> ol.servers()
>>> ol.server('server_id')
>>> ol.new_server('name', 'organization_id', 'image_id', ['volume_id'], ['tag'])
>>> ol.delete_server('server_id')
>>> ol.images()
>>> ol.new_image('name', 'organization_id', 'image_id', 'arch', 'volume_id')
See github issue list - post if any needed