Ansible role that helps deploying a package mirror
- Debian Bullseye
- Before you use this role, create a storage pool with something like ZFS and mount it at the location where the mirrored repositories would appear.
# vars/Debian.yml
# script dependencies to be installed
- rsync
- wget
- logrotate
- git
- systemd
# defaults/Debian.yml
# The default user mirrors will use
repo_mirror_user: mirror
# The default group mirrors will use
repo_mirror_group: mirror
# The mirror base path
repo_mirror_base_path: /var/www/mirror
# The default log path
repo_mirror_log_path: /var/log/mirror
# The default tmp path (files which are currently downloaded)
repo_mirror_tmp_path: /var/www/mirror/tmp
# This is the default datetime format (2017/10/11 22:23:42 CEST)
repo_mirror_datetime_format: "+%Y/%m/%d %T %Z"
# The default bandwith limit for syncing from remote
repo_mirror_bwlimit: 30MiB
# The default rsync timeout in seconds
repo_mirror_rsync_timeout: 30
# the default max runtime for a sync job
_default_systemd_unit_max_runtime_sec: 43200 # 12 hours
# the default enabled state of a systemd timer unit
_default_systemd_timer_enabled: true
# the default unit state of a systemd timer unit
_default_systemd_timer_unit_state: 'started'
# the default unit state of a systemd service unit
_default_systemd_service_unit_state: 'stopped'
# The FQDN of the mirror
repo_mirror_fqdn: ''
# Deploy the fedora mirror report script
repo_mirror_fedora_report: false
repo_mirror_fedora_report_name: '<name>'
repo_mirror_fedora_report_pass: '<password>'
# A list of fedora projects to report. Default is an empty list.
repo_mirror_fedora_reports: []
# .. code-block:: YAML
# repo_mirror_fedora_reports:
# - name: 'Fedora EPEL'
# enabled: false
# path: '/var/www/mirror/epel'
# - name: 'Fedora Linux'
# enabled: False
# path: '/var/www/mirror/fedora'
# A list of repositories. Default is an empty list.
# Below are some examples how to define a repository to mirror
repo_mirror_repos: []
# .. code-block:: YAML
# repo_mirror_repos:
# - name: alpine
# type: rsync_single
# source_repo: rsync://
# systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* 0/2:23:00"
# systemd_timer_disabled: true # does not enable the timer (e.g. will not be started on boot), default false
# systemd_unit_max_runtime_sec: 600 # 10 minutes, default 43200
# - name: archlinux
# source_repo: rsync://
# type: rsync_single
# systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* *:0/10:00"
# - name: debian
# type: rsync_debian
# source_repo: ''
# systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* 0/2:01:00"
# excludes:
# - alpha
# - arm
# - arm64
# - armel
# - armhf
# - hppa
# - hurd-i386
# - ia64
# - kfreebsd-amd64
# - kfreebsd-i386
# - m68k
# - mipsel
# - mips64el
# - mips
# - powerpc
# - ppc64el
# - s390
# - s390x
# - sh
# - sparc
# - name: debian-security
# type: rsync_single
# source_repo:
# systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* 0/2:13:00"
# - name: epel
# type: rsync_single
# source_repo: rsync://
# additional_report: '/usr/local/bin/report_mirror -c /etc/mirror/fedora_report.conf'
# systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* *:58:00"
# - name: centos
# type: rsync_single
# source_repo:
# rsync_timeout: 300 # Optional, if for example .ISO files time out
# systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* *:13:00"
# - name: dotdeb
# type: rsync_single
# source_repo:
# systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* *:47:00"
# - name: nodejs
# type: wget
# source_repo: ''
# remotegpgkey: ''
# bwlimit: 20000 # Optional, overwrite default
# systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* 0/2:24:00"
# - name: opensuse
# type: rsync_single
# source_repo:
# systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* *:07:00"
# - name: ubuntu
# type: rsync_ubuntu
# source_repo: rsync://
# systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* 0/2:41:00"
The role requires the master
version of this role:
Please see the molecule_requirements.yml file for the molecule requirements.
You can check the molecule default scenario for an example playbook.
repo_mirror role was written by: