I'm Adrien Golebiewski @adriengoleb, AI Research Engineer graduated from EICNAM and PSL University (joint program Dauphine, Mines de Paris, ENS Ulm). Cuurently, PhD Candidate under a CIFRE contract with the Centre de Morphologie Mathématique (CMM) at Mines Paris.
I’m passionate about Data Science, Machine Learning and more generally about the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their applications in the Computer Vision fields. I am particularly interested in Deep Learning technologies and their interpretabilities. Sensitive to the frugal AI and the trustworthy AI, AI for mission-critical systems is an exciting subject in the industry field.
Particularly interested to the weakly supervised learning strategies : domain adaptation, self supervision, n-shot learning...
- 🧠 I'am very enthusiastic to solve real-world problems. As a self-learner and open source enthusiast, I constantly seek to sharpen my knowledge and gain new skills. I never stop learning 📚.
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on meaningful AI projects
- 📫 How to reach me :