Bot that organizes Github Issues!
Out of the box functionality is as follows:
Assign Related Issue: When a PR is submitted with a comment saying it fixes a particular issue, assign that issue to the user that submitted the PR.
Claim Issue: If a user submits a comment on the issue saying "claim" "claiming" or "claimed", assign the issue to that user unless it is already assigned to someone else.
Add Labels: When opening or commenting on an issue or PR, any lines beginning with '##' will be scanned for the names of any labels, and if found, applied to the issue or PR. Labels must be defined in etc/config.json
to be considered valid.
(virtualenv preferred)
python install
py.test tests
A sample configuration file is provided in etc/config/sample.json
cp etc/config.sample.json etc/config.json
Create a new Github account to serve as your bot
Give the bot admin access
For organization repos, add to a team with write access
For personal repos, add as a collaborator:
Create an API token for the bot with permissions "public_repo":
Add API token to the config
- Create a secret token as per
- Add this secret token to the config
- Create the webhook -> Add webhook
- Configure the webhook:
- Secret is the secret token from the previous step
- You only need to care about the "Issues", "Pull Request", and "Issue comment" events
python bin/