- Create new application
- Add postgres database
- Install gems
- Devise
- Foundation
- Active Admin
- jquery-ui-rails
- simple_form
- jquery-turbolinks
- Create git repo on github.com
- Clone to local
- Create new rails app
rails new it-capabilities
- Make sure it runs
bundle install
rails s
- Add postgresql
- Remove the line
gem 'sqlite3'
from the gemfile - Add
gem 'pg'
to the gemfile - Add settings file
- Add this file to the config folder - https://gist.github.com/heyogrady/450bc5868c0daed6c1df
- Change the database names
- Duplicate the file and remove the .pgapp from the end
- remove ‘development.sqllite3` file
- Run
rake db:create
- Run
rake db:migrate
- devise - https://github.com/plataformatec/devise
- Install gem
- run installer -
rails generate devise:install
- Run
rails generate devise model User
- Run
rake db:migrate
- Install devise_security_extension - https://github.com/phatworx/devise_security_extension
- Add gem
- Run installer -
rails generate devise_security_extension:install
- simple_form
- Add simple_form gem
- Add country_select gem
- Install Foundation
- Add gem foundation-rails
- Also add the rails_layout gem, but it should only be installed in the development environment. To do this, put it inside a :development group in the gemfile, like this:
group :development do gem 'rails_layout' end
- Run rails layout generator
rails generate layout:install foundation5 --force
- Run simple_form generator
rails generate simple_form:install --foundation
- jquery-ui-rails - https://github.com/joliss/jquery-ui-rails
- add to application.js and application .css
- jquery-turbolinks - https://github.com/kossnocorp/jquery.turbolinks
- Install gem
- add to application.js
- active admin - http://activeadmin.info/
- INstall active admin 1.0.0 gem
- Run active admin installer
- Add settings.yml file to the config folder
- Add setup.rake to lib/tasks