Note: This project are in ReWrite mode for standard behavior, may not be stable
This is an simple gateway written in Golang
- define all services in services.json file
- dynamic routes declaration for services
- RoutesV1 to change request params like middleware and more
- logging connect to mongoDb for save all logs
- can be a simple load balancer, in services.json you can add more server for one service and can act like load balancer
- environment variable support
- auth JWT and register added with middleware
- Health check of services every 1 hours can be modified
- Simple Rate limiter plugin per visitor
- Ip block list
- Api geo location info
- Aggregate requests dynamically by define in integrate.json by template
- DB manager with encryption to manage proxy and plugins
- Middleware per proxy
- Now You can get, add, update, delete proxies, also you can add, update, delete plugin of proxies with rest Api
- K8s support, need to figure out strategy
- RouteV2 is here, path prefix to support all https, https, tcp
you can find first type document here for use released versions
go get -t -v
cd $GOPATH/src/
make build
./dist/gateway secret #for generate secret key
./dist/gateway load # for load proxies from template json file
./dist/gateway run # to run server
docker build -t ah8ad3/gateway .
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 ah8ad3/gateway
docker pull ah8ad3/gateway:latest
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 ah8ad3/gateway
- Schedule for requests life cycle inside of gateway
- Support envoy, kubernetes
- ApiInfo async
- Tests
- working on crud requests fo RouteV1
- some plugins: intelligent load balancer, ssl support, simple monitoring, cache for gateway
services work with HTTP/1.1
fix all constants in RouteV1
this is version 1 of routing in gateway, it create routes of services dynamic in gateway and receive
request and change it to send to services
it just get x-www-urlencoded
form and send it to service like json
testing to fix all bugs
this is second version of routing in this gateway, it's like rewirite reverce proxy to connect requests to
services, also this Routation fix all RouteV1 constants
This api gateway create to make developers easier to work with services, not end
Just pick one of the Todo works and do it, or write some plugin for it, in github standard mode PR and ...