This repository will be archived and will no longer be supported due to a problem descibed in issue #1: OpenCV 3.3.0 & Git LFS - Quota Limits.
A new solution has been developed which takes the form of a Gradle Plugin that can be used inside projects rather than using Git Submodules and GitLFS for getting and linking the binaries. The new Gradle Plugin can be found here: AndroidOpenCVGradlePlugin.
An Android Studio project which has a module that contains OpenCV SDK files ported and configured to use CMake and Gradle plugin 2.3.1 or above, making it easy to include OpenCV into Android applications.
Currently the doc contains details of integrating the opencv
module into an exiting git repo
of an Android Studio project using git submodule
Note: if your project is not versioned by git, it will not work. You could enable git by running the following command in the project root directory, but careful not do so if your project is versioned by other VCS tools:
git init
Sooner or later I'll include steps to include the opencv
module without using
git submodule
and for projects that are not versioned by git. It is better to understand how
git submodule
works via this link:
Git - Submodules. For team managed git
repositories, read the section Cloning a Project with Submodules carefully.
Within the project directory, open bash/cmd and run the following command:
git submodule add android-opencv
Then within the project directory, edit settings.gradle
file and append the following and do
Gradle Sync :
include ':android-opencv:opencv'
Within the Project View in Android Studio, right click and choose "Configure project subset" and
check opencv
. Then do a Gradle Sync
Gradle Sync .
You should see
as a module as the image below:
Then within the app
module directory (or application module that you're developing), create or
alter the CMakeLists.txt
file and add the following lines (Note that if you you are not
developing a native library, you can skip this step):
set(OpenCV_DIR "../android-opencv/opencv/src/sdk/native/jni")
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
message(STATUS "OpenCV libraries: ${OpenCV_LIBS}")
target_link_libraries(YOUR_TARGET_LIB ${OpenCV_LIBS})
Then within the app
module directory (or application module that you're developing), alter
it's build.gradle
file as such (Note that if you you are not developing a native library,
only the compile
line is needed):
apply plugin: ''
android {
defaultConfig {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
cppFlags "-frtti -fexceptions"
//Choose the abi architectures that you would like to compile to
abiFilters 'x86', 'x86_64', 'armeabi', 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'mips', 'mips64'
buildTypes {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
path "CMakeLists.txt"
dependencies {
compile project(':android-opencv:opencv')
After final step, OpenCV would be included within the application and their APIs could be accessed
from within the Java and Native C/C++ code. To check if OpenCV is working properly, add the
following in an Application
, Activity
or any class to load OpenCV (make sure that the
class will be accessed at runtime):
public class MyClass {
static {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
Then build and launch the application. Once the class is loaded, the logcat will display OpenCV messages as below (the first error is normal):
10-21 16:53:28.399 D/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Trying to get library list
10-21 16:53:28.419 E/OpenCV/StaticHelper: OpenCV error: Cannot load info library for OpenCV
10-21 16:53:28.419 D/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Library list: ""
10-21 16:53:28.419 D/OpenCV/StaticHelper: First attempt to load libs
10-21 16:53:28.419 D/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Trying to init OpenCV libs
10-21 16:53:28.420 D/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Trying to load library opencv_java3
10-21 16:53:28.428 I/OpenCV: calling android_getCpuFeatures() ...
10-21 16:53:28.430 I/OpenCV: calling android_getCpuFeatures() ... Done (1f7ff)
10-21 16:53:28.441 D/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Library opencv_java3 loaded
10-21 16:53:28.441 D/OpenCV/StaticHelper: First attempt to load libs is OK
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: General configuration for OpenCV 3.3.0 =====================================
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Version control: 3.3.0
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Platform:
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Timestamp: 2017-08-04T00:30:10Z
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Host: Linux 4.8.0-58-generic x86_64
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Target: Linux 1 armv7-a
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: CMake:
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: CMake generator: Ninja
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: CMake build tool: /usr/bin/ninja
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Configuration: Release
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: CPU/HW features:
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Baseline: NEON NEON
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: requested: DETECT
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: required: NEON
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: disabled: VFPV3
10-21 16:53:28.444 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: C/C++:
10-21 16:53:28.445 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: Built as dynamic libs?: NO
10-21 16:53:28.445 I/OpenCV/StaticHelper: C++ Compiler: /usr/bin/ccache /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++ (ver 4.8)
Also, you could inspect the built apk
under app_module_directory/build/outputs
to see
that the
is included within the abi architecture folders (drag the apk onto
the text editor tabs of Android Studio):
I'll be monitoring OpenCV's SDK and releases on their website in order to re-port it with their updated files. Please post an issue if I haven't done so within a day or two.
In order to update the OpenCV module to the latest version simply open a bash/cmd in
and run the command:
git pull
Once the command finishes, the opencv
module will be updated to the latest commit on the repo.
Do a Gradle Sync ,
refresh linked C++ projects (Build > Refresh Linked C++ Projects) and compile to make sure
the update was successful.
With each release of OpenCV SDK a tag with the OpenCV version will be created on the commit of the
release. To checkout to a certain version of the OpenCV library, open a bash/cmd in
and run the command:
git pull
git checkout version-number
Where version-number
is the version of OpenCV you'd like to checkout to (example: 3.2.0). The
minimum version of the OpenCV within the repo is 3.2.0.
Don't forget to do a Gradle Sync ,
refresh linked C++ projects (Build > Refresh Linked C++ Projects) and compile to make sure
the checkout was successful.