UNMAINTAINED, for a maintained alternative to ssb-pub
, see go-ssb-room
easily host your own Secure ScuttleButt (SSB) pub in a docker container
if you feel like sharing your pub, please add it to the informal registry of pubs as a private pub with your contact details so newbies may request an invite from you!
(if you are running a pub version less than 2.2.0, please upgrade! 🎉 )
(currently broken, soz)
- go to
at http://legacy-installer.butt.nz/
- choose your server size and region
- log in to Digital Ocean, if not done already
- add ssh keys, if not done already
- start creating your pub server! 🙌
- wait for a few minutes ⌛
- log in to your server using
- test your pub server works
./sbot whoami
- create your first invite!
./sbot invite.create 1
- invite and host your friends on Scuttlebutt 🏡
- give your pub a name and description
./sbot publish --type about --about "@your.pubs.id.here" --name "Pubby McPubFace" --description "everyone should have a pub, this is mine"
- setup your pub's domain name
point a domain name (example.com) to your pub server's IP address (using a DNS A record)
to change theconnections.incoming.net[].external
property from your server ip address to your domain name:{ "connections": { "incoming": { "net": [ { "scope": "public", "host": "", "external": "hostname.yourdomain.tld", "transform": "shs", "port": 8008 } ] }, "outgoing": { "net": [ { "transform": "shs" } ] } } }then restart sbot:
docker restart sbot
(credit to seven1m/do-install-button for the Digital Ocean installer)
to run a pub you need to have a static public IP, ideally with a DNS record (i.e.<hostname.yourdomain.tld>
on a fresh Debian 9 box, as root
apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
wget https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg -O docker-gpg
sudo apt-key add docker-gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
apt update
apt install -y docker-ce
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
docker pull ahdinosaur/ssb-pub
from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/ahdinosaur/ssb-pub.git
cd ssb-pub
docker build -t ahdinosaur/ssb-pub .
mkdir ~/ssb-pub-data
chown -R 1000:1000 ~/ssb-pub-data
if migrating from an old server, copy your old
(maybe alsoblobs
) now.rsync -avz ~/ssb-pub-data/blobs/sha256/ $HOST:~/ssb-pub-data/blobs/sha256/
cat > ~/ssb-pub-data/config <<EOF
"connections": {
"incoming": {
"net": [
"scope": "public",
"host": "",
"external": "${EXTERNAL}",
"transform": "shs",
"port": 8008
"outgoing": {
"net": [
"transform": "shs"
create a ./create-sbot
cat > ./create-sbot <<EOF
memory_limit="\$((\$(free -b --si | awk '/Mem\:/ { print \$2 }') - 200*(10**6)))"
docker run -d --name sbot \
-v ~/ssb-pub-data/:/home/node/.ssb/ \
-p 8008:8008 \
--restart unless-stopped \
--memory "\$memory_limit" \
sets an upper memory limit of your total memory minus 200 MB (for example: on a 1 GB server this could be simplified to--memory 800m
# make the script executable
chmod +x ./create-sbot
# run the script
we will now create a shell script in ./sbot
to help us command our Scuttlebutt server running:
# create the script
cat > ./sbot <<EOF
docker exec -it sbot sbot \$@
# make the script executable
chmod +x ./sbot
# test the script
./sbot whoami
the ssb-pub
has a built-in health check: sbot whoami
when sbot
becomes unhealthy (it will!), we want to kill the container, so it will be automatically restarted by Docker.
for this situation, we will use somarat/healer:
docker pull ahdinosaur/healer
docker run -d --name healer \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
--restart unless-stopped \
sometimes the sbot
or healer
containers will stop running (despite --restart unless-stopped
for this sitaution, we will setup two cron job scripts:
printf '#!/bin/sh\n\ndocker start sbot\n' | tee /etc/cron.hourly/sbot && chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/sbot
printf '#!/bin/sh\n\ndocker start healer\n' | tee /etc/cron.hourly/healer && chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/healer
because docker start <service>
is idempotent, it will not change anything if the service is already running, but if the service is not running it will start it.
enter your sbot
container with:
docker exec -it sbot bash
then run:
npm install -g git-ssb
mkdir -p ~/.ssb/node_modules
cd ~/.ssb/node_modules
git clone ssb://%MeCTQrz9uszf9EZoTnKCeFeIedhnKWuB3JHW2l1g9NA=.sha256 ssb-viewer
cd ssb-viewer
npm install
sbot plugins.enable ssb-viewer
edit your config to include
"plugins": {
"ssb-viewer": true
"viewer": {
"host": ""
edit your ./create-sbot
to include -p 8807:8807
stop, remove, and re-create sbot:
docker stop sbot
docker rm sbot
Yaml config files for Kubernetes are included in this repository at
. This has been tested on DigitalOcean. Tweaks may be
necessary for clusters hosted by other providers.
The SSB config file is injected into the container as a volume mount. You should
update the ssb-config
configMap in the deployment file with your external IP
or domain, and any other changes you require. Unfortunately, because this is
being done on a subPath, changes to the configMap will not propogate
automatically. Please keep this in mind if you find you need to make config
changes, or, pull requests welcome.
SSB requires persistence to store the log, secrets. The chosen default in the included config is 5gb, but you should raise this to a level that makes sense for your traffic. If you should find your volume filling up, follow the instructions for your provider as to how to increase the size or migrate to a larger volume.
After updating the config, you can install SSB into your cluster with the following:
kubectl apply -f hack/k8s/deployment.yaml
This will do a number of things:
- create a namespace on your cluster called
- create a service exposing port 8008
- create a 5gb persistent volume which is mapped to
- create and inject your ssb config
Much remains the same as with the manual install. However, since we're using Kubernetes in this case for orchestration, there is no need to run additional services like healer, etc. as liveness checks are handled by the deployment configuration.
I've opted short-term not to expose ssh access to the running container, but you may access it by first getting the name of your running pod, then:
kubectl exec -it <your pod name> -n scuttlebutt /bin/bash
From here you can invoke any of the commands detailed below.
from your server:
./sbot invite.create 1
from your local machine, using ssh:
ssh -t root@server ./sbot invite.create 1
for sbot
docker stop sbot
docker start sbot
docker restart sbot
for healer
docker stop healer
docker start healer
docker restart healer
docker pull ahdinosaur/ssb-pub
docker stop sbot
docker rm sbot
# edit ~/ssb-pub-data/config if necessary
edit your ~/ssb-pub-data/config
, such that connections.incoming.net[].external
changes from an array of strings to a single string.
"connections": {
"incoming": {
"net": [
"scope": "public",
"host": "",
- "external": ["hostname.yourdomain.tld"],
+ "external": "hostname.yourdomain.tld",
"transform": "shs",
"port": 8008
"outgoing": {
"net": [
"transform": "shs"
for a v1
pub owner to update to the latest v2
version of ssb-pub
- pull the latest v2 image:
docker pull ahdinosaur/ssb-pub
- stop sbot container:
docker stop sbot
- remove sbot container:
docker rm sbot
- create
- re-create
check things are working with docker logs sbot
and ./sbot whoami