As the name suggest It's a game developed using UNITY 3D Version 5.2.3f1 which involves solving the maze. The Player has to control a Tank and guide it to the end of the maze while avoiding certain obstacles in its path. The Tank has been given certain powers that is “Fire Canon” and “Water Gun” by which it can destroy the obstacles in its path and complete the maze. There is a timer also the level should be completed before the time is over. There are certain collectable objects that is stars and sand clocks which increases the score and time respectively. In total there are 4 levels. The programming is done in C#. Unity Standard Assets and Other Free assets available on unity assets store are used in making the game.
git clone
Open the cloned repository in unity.
You can download the Windows Version of the game from this link. download this zip file and play the game clicking UltimateMaze.exe
Feel free to post issues if you find any problem or contact me Aishwarya Mittal
©BCD-3 License