A simple Blazor WebAssembly application that contains multiple smaller pieces of various useful utilities.
The below applications are added in this project.
- Bank Cards
- Bank Accounts
- Todo List
- World Clock
- Stop Watch
- This module is used to store the bank card details like card number, bank name, pin, cvv, expiry moth and year.
- This module is used to store the bank account details like bank account number, bank name, account type, and IFSC code.
- To add, edit, update the future todo work items.
- Displaying a clock UI for two various timezone of the world.
- A stop watch functionality to start, stop, measuring lap time and pause time based on seconds.
- MudBlazor - Most of the UI has been rendered with the use of MudBlazor.
- BlazorStrap - To add the bootstrap responsive design.
- BlazorPro.BlazorSize - To get the breakpoints of device resolution.
- Recurop - To implement stop watch functionality.
- Syncfusion.Blazor.CircularGauge - To render the clock UI for watch clock.