Once upon a time, I decided to give
a try: declarative "API as json" and all.
is 20kloc
is 16kloc
, and none of it is flat and linear.
So, exploring what can be done is problematic (let's appreciate the fact those exist at all!).
Generate spec forms, print them as giant do
or ns
block, paste it to .cljc
file, then: REPL, IDE navigation, s/exercise
, etc.
Regardless of misalignment with spec philosophy (openness). This results in a bunch of cringy predicates.
For spec1, this, combined with s/and
's flowing of conformed values further uglyfies output.
To avoid extra transformations you would have to keep in mind while eyeballing input schema and output spec side by side.
Even though output spec can be manually edited at will, I'd like to enable overriding specs and generators as an input.
If schema is invalid, you might get unknown schema type
error, or some exception halfway through spec generation.
If schema is unsatisfiable – generated spec will be unsatisfiable too, without any dedicated warnings.
Generated output is a (not yet "applied") spec registry, not a deep inline anonymous spec (at least for anything non-trivial, like {"type": "string"}
To validate against generated spec, you'd have to register generated registry "for real".
If you do this, you likely gonna have a bad time.
However, anonymous specs are just 1 tree-traversal function away (assuming you solve s/keys
attributes collision potential).
Generated specs generated to mirror source schema as close as possible, so you would not have to mind optimizations when/if debugging stuff.
There might be few exceptions to this in the most trivial cases (like {"type": ["null" "string"]}
, where result is (s/nilable number?)
rather than s/or
but those make walking conformed values irregular and different from walking the source schema, so I am still on the fence with this.
Conversion to https://github.com/clojure/spec-alpha2 will be done in this repo in different namespace.
Conversions to:
might be done someday, but in separate repos.
While it somewhat contradicts the support all schema features
goal, re-writing regexp and various string format schemas (datetime
, email
, etc.) and generators for those – is out of scope of the library.
Maybe later.
(ns foo.bar
[com.akovantsev.json-schema-to-clojure-spec.v7-to-v1 :as ss]
[cheshire.core :as json]))
(defonce schema (json/parse-string (slurp "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json")))
(ss/do-printer ;;todo custom keywordize fn for vega's bs class names
(ss/make schema ss/default-opts))
In this particular example, schema vega entity names are (probably) generated from type script class signatures, hence custom keywordyze
TBA. For now, see tests and source.
Here's a few, but see more in REPL, by evaling things in test namespace.
- printing in these examples is slightly edited for readability, e.g.:
(s/def :user/root ,,,
;; instead of:
:user/root ,,,
(convert test-opts
{"type" "array"
"minItems" 5
"maxItems" 7
"items" [{"enum" ["x" "y" "z" nil]}
{"type" "number"
"exclusiveMaximum" 10}]
"additionalItems" {"type" "string"
"enum" ["a" "b" nil]}}))
(def root-items-i0 #{nil "z" "x" "y"})
(def root-items-additionalItem #{nil "a" "b"})
(defn <10? [x] (< x 10))
(defn max-count [coll-spec nmax] (fn max-count [conformed] (>= nmax (count (s/unform coll-spec conformed)))))
(defn min-count [coll-spec nmin] (fn min-count [conformed] (<= nmin (count (s/unform coll-spec conformed)))))
(s/def :user/root (s/and :user.root/items (min-count :user.root/items 5) (max-count :user.root/items 7)))
(s/def :user.root/items
(s/cat :i0 :user.root.items/i0 :i1 :user.root.items/i1 :& (s/* :user.root.items/additionalItem)))
(s/def :user.root.items/additionalItem (s/nonconforming (s/or :enum root-items-additionalItem :nil nil?)))
(s/def :user.root.items/i0 (s/nonconforming (s/or :enum root-items-i0 :nil nil?)))
(s/def :user.root.items/i1 (s/and number? <10?)))
(convert test-opts
{"type" "object",
"additionalProperties" {"type" "string"},
"minProperties" 1,
"maxProperties" 4,
"properties" {"numbers" {"type" "array",
"items" [{"type" "object",
"properties" {"foo" {"type" "number"},
"bar" {"type" "string", "enum" ["x" "y" "z"]}}}
{"type" "number"}],
"additionalItems" {"type" "string", "enum" ["a" "b"]}},
"street_name" {"type" "string"},
"street_type" {"type" "string", "enum" ["Street" "Avenue" "Boulevard"]}}}))
(def root-numbers-items-i0-bar #{"z" "x" "y"})
(def root-numbers-items-additionalItem #{"a" "b"})
(def root-street_type #{"Street" "Boulevard" "Avenue"})
(defn map-difference [conformed-map s-keys-spec]
(let [{:keys [opt-un req-un req opt]} (->> s-keys-spec s/form rest (apply hash-map))
simple-keys (->> (concat opt-un req-un) (map name) (map keyword))]
(as-> conformed-map $ (s/unform s-keys-spec $) (apply dissoc $ (concat simple-keys req opt)))))
(defn max-count [coll-spec nmax] (fn max-count [conformed] (>= nmax (count (s/unform coll-spec conformed)))))
(defn min-count [coll-spec nmin] (fn min-count [conformed] (<= nmin (count (s/unform coll-spec conformed)))))
(s/def :user/root
(min-count :user.root/base-props 1)
(max-count :user.root/base-props 4)
(fn extra-vals [conformed-map]
(s/valid? :user.root/extra-props (map-difference conformed-map :user.root/base-props)))))
(s/def :user.root/base-props (s/keys :opt-un [:user.root/numbers :user.root/street_name :user.root/street_type]))
(s/def :user.root/extra-props (s/map-of keyword? string?))
(s/def :user.root/numbers
(s/cat :i0 :user.root.numbers.items/i0 :i1 number? :& (s/* root-numbers-items-additionalItem)))
(s/def :user.root.numbers.items/i0 (s/keys :opt-un [:user.root.numbers.items.i0/bar :user.root.numbers.items.i0/foo]))
(s/def :user.root.numbers.items.i0/bar root-numbers-items-i0-bar)
(s/def :user.root.numbers.items.i0/foo number?)
(s/def :user.root/street_name string?)
(s/def :user.root/street_type root-street_type))
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(convert test-opts
{"oneOf" [{"$ref" "$/refs/a"}
{"$ref" "$/refs/b"}
{"$ref" "$/refs/c"}]
"refs" {"a" {"enum" ["a" nil 2]}
"b" {"enum" ["b" nil 5]}
"c" {"type" "object"
"properties" {"foo" {"type" "integer" "multipleOf" 3.5}
"bar" {"type" "string" "minLength" 10}}
"required" ["bar"]}}}))
(def a #{nil "a" 2})
(def b #{nil "b" 5})
(defn all-invalid? [unform-spec specs]
(fn [conformed-x]
(let [x (s/unform unform-spec conformed-x)]
(not-any? (fn [spec] (s/valid? spec x)) specs))))
(defn min-len [nmin] (fn min-len [x] (<= nmin (count x))))
(defn mod3-5? [x] (zero? (mod x 3.5)))
(s/def :user.refs/a (s/nonconforming (s/or :enum a :nil nil?)))
(s/def :user.refs/b (s/nonconforming (s/or :enum b :nil nil?)))
(s/def :user.refs/c (s/keys :req-un [:user.refs.c/bar] :opt-un [:user.refs.c/foo]))
(s/def :user.refs.c/bar (s/and string? (min-len 10)))
(s/def :user.refs.c/foo (s/and int? mod3-5?))
(s/def :user/root
:i0 (s/and :user.refs/a (all-invalid? :user.refs/a [:user.refs/b :user.refs/c]))
:i1 (s/and :user.refs/b (all-invalid? :user.refs/b [:user.refs/a :user.refs/c]))
:i2 (s/and :user.refs/c (all-invalid? :user.refs/c [:user.refs/a :user.refs/b])))))
(eval *1)
;;=> :user/root
(map first (s/exercise :user/root))
{:bar "D9Z3xXz3hw5X4H"}
{:foo 0, :bar "HZXuPggHb1"}
{:foo 14, :bar "iMP6EP3u9m"}
{:foo -14, :bar "luWNw7nIn6o"})
(make-spec test-opts
{"anyOf" [{"type" "number", "exclusiveMaximum" ##Inf}
{"type" "number", "minimum" 2.4}
{"const" "foo"}
{"const" {"foo" "bar"}}
{"const" nil}
{"enum" [nil false "baz"]}
{"const" false}
{"type" "number", "exclusiveMaximum" 3}]}))
(def root-i2 #{"foo"})
(def root-i3 #{{"foo" "bar"}})
(def root-i4 #{nil})
(def root-i5 #{nil "baz" false})
(def root-i6 #{false})
(defn <3? [x] (< x 3))
(defn <Infinity? [x] (< x ##Inf))
(defn >=2-4? [x] (>= x 2.4))
(s/def :user/root
:i0 :user.root/i0
:i1 :user.root/i1
:i2 root-i2
:i3 root-i3
:i4 :user.root/i4
:i5 :user.root/i5
:i6 :user.root/i6
:i7 :user.root/i7))
(s/def :user.root/i0 (s/and number? <Infinity?))
(s/def :user.root/i1 (s/and number? >=2-4??))
(s/def :user.root/i4 (s/nonconforming (s/or :enum root-i4 :nil nil?)))
(s/def :user.root/i5 (s/nonconforming (s/or :enum root-i5 :false false? :nil nil?)))
(s/def :user.root/i6 (s/nonconforming (s/or :enum root-i6 :false false?)))
(s/def :user.root/i7 (s/and number? <3?)))