Creating Laravel packages made it easy! You can start building your own modular, organized package effortlessly.
This package requires PHP 8.2+ and Laravel 11+
You can install the package globally via composer:
composer global require algoyounes/laravel-package-skeleton
Once installed, you can use the following commands to streamline your package development process:
⚡️ Create your package using composer :
composer create-project algoyounes/laravel-package-skeleton --prefer-source YourPackageName
🚀 Run the entire test suite :
composer test
Running composer test
will execute the following tasks :
- 🔄 Refactoring Tests:
composer rector
- 🧹 Linting Tests:
composer test:lint
- 🔍 Static Analysis Tests:
composer test:types
- 🛠️ Unit Tests:
composer test:unit
🔧 Install Git Hooks:
composer hook:install
Running composer hook
will execute the following tasks :
- 🔄 Pre-commit Hook:
composer hook:pre-commit
- 🧹 Pre-push Hook:
composer hook:pre-push
🛠️ Fix code issues:
composer fix
Running composer fix
will execute the following tasks:
- ✨ Laravel linting Fixes:
composer fix:lint
- 🔄 Refactoring Fixes:
composer fix:refactor