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Bot to automatically like your friends' tweets, and notify you on your Slack channel.

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Simple bot to like a friend tweets

Bot to automatically like your friends' tweets, and notify you on your Slack channel.

Practical use cases

  • You are like me. You don't have time to check social media and you want to give attention to someone.
  • You are in a relationship. Your girlfriend is constantly nagging you for not being the first-one to like her tweets.

How does it work?

This script runs twitter API and checks for any new tweets for a paticular user_id in last 15 minutes. If a new a tweet is found it likes the tweet and sends a notification to your configured Slack channel using Slack Webhooks.


  • git clone
  • npm install
  • create a .env file (you must set USER_ID (Self user id), FRIEND_USER_ID (Friend user id) from TweeterId,CONSUMER_KEY,CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_SECRET, CHECK_MINUTESandSLACK_WEBHOOK_URL` from Slack Webhooks ) as shown in file .env.example This would assure that your keys are secured and index.js file is untouched.
  • npm start (run the app, and like all the recent tweets (test) and send slack webhook notification)

Deploying on Lambda

  • Create a lamda function tweet-like-bot using AWS Console
  • Create package: zip -r -D node_modules index.js .env package.json
  • Upload package: aws lambda update-function-code --function-name tweet-like-bot --region eu-central-1 --zip-file fileb://
  • Run Lambda: aws lambda invoke --function-name tweet-like-bot --region eu-central-1 out --log-type Tail

Deploy to Lambda using Github Actions

  • In Github Action "Set up a workflow yourself"
  • Copy and paste code from src/main.yml
  • Add AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to Github Settings>Secrets>Actions
  • Change aws_region and function_name
  • Commit and check pipeline in Github Actions

Create EventBridge schedule event

  • Cretae EventBridge rule to run lambda function every 15 minutes
aws events put-rule \
  --name like-bot-scheduled-rule \
  --region eu-central-1 \
  --schedule-expression 'rate(15 minutes)'
  • Add permission to invoke lamda function
aws lambda add-permission \
  --function-name tweet-like-bot \
  --region eu-central-1 \
  --statement-id like-bot-scheduled-event \
  --action 'lambda:InvokeFunction' \
  --principal \
  --source-arn arn:aws:events:eu-central-1:849652647306:rule/like-bot-scheduled-rule
  • Add lamda function to run on the event
aws events put-targets --rule like-bot-scheduled-rule --targets file://src/targets.json


Inspired from


Bot to automatically like your friends' tweets, and notify you on your Slack channel.







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