API used to vote for a subject to present in future presentation
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ npm run start:prod
For all endpoints add the header
Content-Type: application/json
user structure
{"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}
Action | Verb | Url | Params | Success | Error |
login | POST | /api/auth/login | {"username":"admin", "password":"admin"} | {"user":{}, "token":""} | {"error":"error desc"} |
join | POST | /api/auth/join | {"username":"newuser", "password":"newuser"} | {"user":{}, "token":""} | {"error":"error desc"} |
{ "id" => integer, "name" => string }
Action | Verb | Url | Params | Success | Error |
get all | GET | /api/subjects | {} | [{}, {}, ...] | {"error":"error desc"} |
{ "userId" => integer, "subjectId" => integer, "date" => date }
Action | Verb | Url | Params | Success | Error |
get all | GET | /api/votes | {} | [{}, {}, ...] | {"error":"error desc"} |
synthesize | GET | /api/synthesize | {} | [{"voteCount":x,"Subject":{}}, ...] | {"error":"error desc"} |