- Run bower install
- Run serve (assuming it will work on port 3000)
- Open http://localhost:3000/index.html
- Write the simple app and a board, use the logic.Game object itself and pass as a whole. Handle click down in the board
- Add the "show solution" and "show hints" checkboxes, start with checked, then onClick, and then show the link state mixin (checkedLink)
- Add the GuessCount and show how it is not refreshed though it is changed in game.Board
- Move the click handler to the app. Talk about flux, show how it works
- Add render count on the guess count. Show how shouldComponentUpdate prevents renders
- Replace to React.addons.PureRenderMixin and show that it still works
- Add React.addons.PureRenderMixin to board, and show that stops working - explain about ref compare
- Pass the matrix instead of the game
- Add "Enter your name to start" and get focus using ref and componentDidMount.
- Add button to change the state of "loggedIn"
- Show the board only after loggedIn