A docker container, with ffmpeg that supports scale_cuda among other things
To see the options for specific filters use:
docker run -it --rm --gpus=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all ghcr.io/aperim/nvidia-cuda-ffmpeg:latest -h filter=scale_cuda
docker run -it --rm --gpus=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all ghcr.io/aperim/nvidia-cuda-ffmpeg:latest -h filter=overlay_cuda
docker run -it --rm --gpus=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all ghcr.io/aperim/nvidia-cuda-ffmpeg:latest -h encoder=hevc_nvenc
docker run -it --rm --gpus=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all ghcr.io/aperim/nvidia-cuda-ffmpeg:latest -h encoder=h264_nvenc
The NVIDIA CUDA drivers are badly broken. To get encoding/decoding working currently - you must apply a patch/hack by keylase
More information here
# Ensure secure boot is disabled - ie mokutil --disable-validation
sudo systemctl stop docker
sudo apt-get -y remove nvidia-docker2 # If you are using it
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential curl dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)
sudo rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-unsupported-gpu.conf
echo blacklist nouveau | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf && \
echo options nouveau modeset=0 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf && \
echo options nvidia NVreg_OpenRmEnableUnsupportedGpus=1 | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-unsupported-gpu.conf && \
sudo update-initramfs -u && \
sudo /sbin/reboot
git clone https://github.com/keylase/nvidia-patch.git && \
curl -LO https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/11.7.1/local_installers/cuda_11.7.1_515.65.01_linux.run && \
chmod +x ./cuda_11.7.1_515.65.01_linux.run && \
sudo ./cuda_11.7.1_515.65.01_linux.run -m=kernel-open
sudo /sbin/reboot
# Confirm working
cd nvidia-patch
sudo bash ./patch.sh
cd ..
rm -Rf ./nvidia-patch ./cuda_*.run
sudo /sbin/reboot
# Check can encode now
curl -LO http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/BigBuckBunny.mp4
ffmpeg -i BigBuckBunny.mp4 -c:v h264_nvenc output.mp4
Mosaic Generate a video mosaic using overlays. Easily create 4, 6 and 9 input mosaics.
Camera Shortcut for transcoding rtsp camera streams.
Generate a 4, 6 or 9 panel mosaic / overlay.
You can use the mosaic command to generate the ffmpeg command you need, or just let it generate the mosaic and stream it for you.
Just pass the environment variables (details below) and use a command of mosaic
Variable | Use | Default | Notes |
INPUT0 | The background image. | / etc / mosaic / 1920x1080-black.png | The default is a black png that ships with the container |
INPUT1 | The first panel URL | /etc/mosaic/1920x1080.png | Supply anything ffmpeg can process |
INPUT2 | The second panel URL | " | " |
INPUT3 | The third panel URL | " | " |
INPUT4 | The forth panel URL | " | " |
INPUT5 | The fifth panel URL | " | Only supply these if you are using a 6 panel mosaic |
INPUT6 | The sixth panel URL | " | " |
INPUT7 | The seventh panel URL | " | Only supply these if you are using a 9 panel mosaic |
INPUT8 | The eight panel URL | " | " |
INPUT9 | The night panel URL | " | " |
CONTAINER | The output container | mpegts | passed to -f ie -f mpegts or -f flv |
OUTPUT | The output destination | udp:// | Where the data should go |
BITRATE | The output bitrate | 8M | |
ENCODER | The encoder to use | hevc | h264 or hevc |
ENCODE_PRESET | The encoder preset | veryfast | |
RESOLUTION | Select from a list of defaults | FHD | Select nHD,qHD,HD,HD+,FHD,DCI 2K,QHD,QHD+,4K UHD to auto set width and height |
WIDTH | The output mosaic width | 1920 | |
HEIGHT | The output mosaic height | 1080 | |
FFMPEG_THREAD_QUEUE_SIZE | Thread queue size | 512 | Tweak this only if you need |
FFMPEG_CUDA_FORMAT | The format inside cuda processing | nv12 | Tweak this only if you need |
GENCMD | Generate the ffmpeg command if not 0 | 0 | Set this to 1 to generate an example command with your settings so that you can tweak it as you desire and run the mosaic yourself |
version: '3.8'
image: ghcr.io/aperim/nvidia-cuda-ffmpeg:latest
- driver: nvidia
count: 1
capabilities: [gpu]
restart: unless-stopped
PUID: 1000
PGID: 1000
TZ: Australia/Sydney
INPUT1: https://cph-p2p-msl.akamaized.net/hls/live/2000341/test/master.m3u8
INPUT2: https://d3rlna7iyyu8wu.cloudfront.net/skip_armstrong/skip_armstrong_multichannel_subs.m3u8
INPUT3: http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/634cd01c-6822-4630-8444-8dd6279f94c6/CaminandesLlamaDrama4K.ism/manifest(format=m3u8-aapl)
INPUT4: https://devimages.apple.com.edgekey.net/iphone/samples/bipbop/bipbopall.m3u8
- "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
command: mosaic
Running the command below:
docker run -it --rm \
-e GENCMD=1 \
-e INPUT1=https://cph-p2p-msl.akamaized.net/hls/live/2000341/test/master.m3u8 \
-e INPUT2=https://d3rlna7iyyu8wu.cloudfront.net/skip_armstrong/skip_armstrong_multichannel_subs.m3u8 \
-e INPUT3=http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/634cd01c-6822-4630-8444-8dd6279f94c6/CaminandesLlamaDrama4K.ism/manifest\(format=m3u8-aapl\) \
-e INPUT4=https://devimages.apple.com.edgekey.net/iphone/samples/bipbop/bipbopall.m3u8 \
ghcr.io/aperim/nvidia-cuda-ffmpeg:latest mosaic
Would generate this example output
🖥️ mosaic command
docker run -it --rm --gpus=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all \
-e INPUT0="/etc/mosaic/1920x1080-black.png" \
-e INPUT1="https://cph-p2p-msl.akamaized.net/hls/live/2000341/test/master.m3u8" \
-e INPUT2="https://d3rlna7iyyu8wu.cloudfront.net/skip_armstrong/skip_armstrong_multichannel_subs.m3u8" \
-e INPUT3="http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/634cd01c-6822-4630-8444-8dd6279f94c6/CaminandesLlamaDrama4K.ism/manifest(format=m3u8-aapl)" \
-e INPUT4="https://devimages.apple.com.edgekey.net/iphone/samples/bipbop/bipbopall.m3u8" \
-e CONTAINER="mpegts" \
-e OUTPUT="udp://" \
-e BITRATE="8M" \
-e ENCODER="hevc" \
-e WIDTH="1920" \
-e HEIGHT="1080" \
ghcr.io/aperim/nvidia-cuda-ffmpeg:latest mosaic
⌨️ ffmpeg command
docker run -it --rm --gpus=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all ghcr.io/aperim/nvidia-cuda-ffmpeg:latest \
-nostats -y -hide_banner -loglevel warning -err_detect ignore_err \
-thread_queue_size 512 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format nv12 -i /etc/mosaic/1920x1080-black.png \
-reconnect_on_network_error 1 -reconnect_on_http_error 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 2000-thread_queue_size 512 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format nv12 -i https://cph-p2p-msl.akamaized.net/hls/live/2000341/test/master.m3u8 \
-reconnect_on_network_error 1 -reconnect_on_http_error 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 2000-thread_queue_size 512 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format nv12 -i https://d3rlna7iyyu8wu.cloudfront.net/skip_armstrong/skip_armstrong_multichannel_subs.m3u8 \
-reconnect_on_network_error 1 -reconnect_on_http_error 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 2000-thread_queue_size 512 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format nv12 -i http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/634cd01c-6822-4630-8444-8dd6279f94c6/CaminandesLlamaDrama4K.ism/manifest(format=m3u8-aapl) \
-reconnect_on_network_error 1 -reconnect_on_http_error 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 2000-thread_queue_size 512 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format nv12 -i https://devimages.apple.com.edgekey.net/iphone/samples/bipbop/bipbopall.m3u8 \
-filter_complex " \
[0:v]format=nv12,hwupload_cuda,scale_cuda=-2:w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12[base]; \
[1:v]format=nv12,hwupload_cuda,scale_cuda=-2:w=960:h=540:format=nv12,fps=24,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[panel1]; \
[2:v]format=nv12,hwupload_cuda,scale_cuda=-2:w=960:h=540:format=nv12,fps=24,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[panel2]; \
[3:v]format=nv12,hwupload_cuda,scale_cuda=-2:w=960:h=540:format=nv12,fps=24,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[panel3]; \
[4:v]format=nv12,hwupload_cuda,scale_cuda=-2:w=960:h=540:format=nv12,fps=24,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[panel4]; \
[base][panel1]overlay_cuda=shortest=0:x=0:y=0[layer1]; \
[layer1][panel2]overlay_cuda=shortest=0:x=960:y=0[layer2]; \
[layer2][panel3]overlay_cuda=shortest=0:x=0:y=540[layer3]; \
[layer3][panel4]overlay_cuda=shortest=0:x=960:y=540[final] \
" \
-map "[final]" -c:v hevc_nvenc -preset fast -tune ull -zerolatency 1 -b:v 8M \
-map 1:a:1\? -map 2:a:2\? -map 3:a:3\? -map 4:a:4\? \
-f mpegts "udp://"
Using command, pass a source and destination and the script will generate the ffmpeg command to transcode and send your camera feed.
docker run -it --rm --gpus=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all ghcr.io/aperim/nvidia-cuda-ffmpeg:latest camera \
rtsp://user:[email protected]/unicast/c1/s0/live rtsp://host.docker.internal:8554/camera1 16M h264 24
Camera Transcode
Usage - pass the camera url and the destination
camera <camera_url> <destination_url> [bitrate] [encoder] [framerate]
camera_url The url of your camera - with url encoded usernmame/password if needed
destination_url The destination URL
bitrate (optional) The output bitrate [default 8M]
encoder (optional) Either h264 or hevc [default hevc]
framerate (optional) The frame rate [no default]
camera rtsp://admin@passw0rd: rtsp://streaming.server.example/camera1 16M h264 24
The output url must be RTSP. It will be using TCP
Reboots the generic box style camera firmware being used by a lot of aliexpress type shippers.
docker run -it --rm --gpus=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all ghcr.io/aperim/nvidia-cuda-ffmpeg:latest camera-reboot-box \
--host camerahost.example.com \
Box Style Camera Reboot
Usage - pass the host, username and password
camera-box-reboot --host <host> --username <username> --password <password> [--timeout <timeout>]
host the hostname or ip of the camera
username the admin username for the camera
password the admin password for the camera
timeout seconds to wait for camera to reboot
camera-box-reboot --host camera1.example.com --username admin --password s5cr3t
camera-box-reboot --host --username camerauser --password d4ng3R! --timeout 30
This will reboot the camera, that's it.