Privilege Escalation: Weaponizing CVE-2019-1405 and CVE-2019-1322
Compile or Download from Release (
- Run COMahawk.exe
- ???
- Hopefully profit
- COMahawk.exe "custom command to run" (ie. COMahawk.exe "net user /add test123 lol123 &")
- ???
- Hopefully profit
MSDN mentioned that only 1803 to 1903 is vulnerable to CVE-2019-1322. If it doesn't work, maybe it was patched.
However, it is confirmed that my 1903 does indeed have this bug so maybe it was introduced somewhere inbetween. YMMV.
Also, since you are executing from a service - you most likely cannot spawn any Window hence all command will be "GUI-less". Maybe different session? Idk, it is too late and I am tired haha. for helping me even when he doesn't even have a laptop for being the mental support and motivation
and most of all:
for discovering and publishing the write up. 100% of the credit goes here.