- Install Node
- Clone this repository: https://github.com/ariskemper/algorithms
- run
npm install
to install all dependencies - run tests
npm run test
- run tests with coverage
npm run test:cov
- generate typescript documentation
npm run doc
- run benchmark for sort algorithms
npm run bench:sort
- sort
- bitonicSort
- [brickSort]
- bogoSort
- bubbleSort
- bucketSort
- cocktailShakerSort
- comboSort
- countingSort
- cubeSort
- cycleSort
- [exchangeSort]
- gnomeSort
- heapSort
- insertionSort
- introSort
- mergeSort
- [pancakeSort]
- [patienceSort]
- [pigeonholeSort]
- [quickSort]
- radixSort
- randomQuickSort
- selectionSsort
- shellSort
- [smoothSort]
- [stoogeSort]
- [strandSort]
- [timSort]
- treeSort
- [topSort]