Banuprakash C
Full Stack Architect,
Co-founder Lucida Technologies Pvt Ltd.,
Corporate Trainer,
Email: [email protected]
Softwares Required:
- Visual Studio Code. []
- Chrome Web Browser
- NodeJS Latest LTS Version: 16.x.x []
JS ==> JS engine [ V8 { Google ==> Chrome, NodeJS}, SpiderMonkey [ FireFox, Adobe], Chkra, Nashorn, ...]
- Platform built on V8 engine runtime
- event-driven [Thread ], non-blocking I/O model [NIO]
libuv is a multi-platform C library that provides support for asynchronous I/O based on event loops. It is primarily designed for use in Node.js but it is also used by other software projects.
event loop psuedocode
const microTask = []; // PromiseAPI, async await, nextTick()
const pendingTimers = []; // macrotask ==> setTimeout, setInterval, setImmediate const pendingOsTasks = []; // macrotask const pendingOperations = []; // macrotask
function shouldContinue() { return pendingTimers.length || pendingOsTasks || pendingOperations.length .. }
// Running Thread while(shouldContinue()) { // is stack empty // 1 check all microTasks and empty it ==> push them to Stack // 2 check and empty all pendingTimers ==> push them to Stack // 3 pending OS tasks ==> Socket related, I/O callbacks ==> read chunk of data from file ==> push them to Stack // 4 Pending Operations ==> close of connections , etc ==> push them to Stack // pause execution }
Tick ==> one iteration of while()
setTimeout(function one() { console.log("t1"); }, 0);
setTimeout(function two() { console.log("t2"); }, 0);
Promise.resolve().then(function p1() { console.log("p1"); });
Promise.resolve().then(function p2() { console.log("p2"); });
function logA() {..} function logB() {..} function logC() {..} function logD() {..} function logE() {..} function logF() {..} function logG() {..}
setTimeout(logG, 0);
Promise.resolve() .then(logB) .then(setTimeout(logC)) .then(logD) .then(logE);
Every time the event loop takes a full trip we call it as tick.
// microtask process.nextTick(function task() { // do something });
==> function executes at the end of current tick.
setTimeout(function timed() {
}, 0);
NodeJS V8 Memory Structure
Code Segment ==> JIT compiler compiles code blocks
- New Generation [ SemiSpace 1, Semispace] ==> In Java ==> Surviour state 1 and Surviour state 2
- Old Generation
Large Objects [Code, MMap]
C#, JS and Java or any technology which uses Virtual machine doesn't allow pointers
node --min_semi_space_size(intial) --max_old_space_size(max) --stack-size(size) server.js
nodeJs provides built-in modules crypto, fs, http, path, repl, ...
Module System:
- IIFE ==> Immediately invoke function expression
let ShoppingModule = (function() { let data = 100; function doTask() {
return {
let paymentModule = (function() { let data = 999; let done = false; function doTask() {
return {
})(); ==> 100 // not visible ==> 999
CommonJS module system ==> default module system in NodeJS
module.exports.add = function(){ }
function sub() {
let compute = require('./compute');
can access compute.add() but not compute.sub()
ESM ==> ES 6 module system
export const add = function() {}
import {add} from './compute';
- System
- UMD ==> wrapper for different module system to dynamically decide which module system has to be used
NodeJS Threads concept
NodeJS Async Operations Network related operations doesn't use libuv Threads
node.js Event Emitter
- fs sync
- fs callback
- fs stream based
Where can i use NodeJS?
- Real time application
- Streaming API ==> Netflix Squid Game chunk of data has to pushed to client; client buffers
- Traditional Web application ==> server rendered pages
- build RESTful Web services
- GraphQL services
npm i -g learnyounode
Day 2
Recap: NodeJS --> What , Why [ Non blocking I/O ]
Event loop, V8 and libuv
MicroTask and MacroTask Callback Queue ==> Stack
RSS --> Heap [ New Gen {SS1, SS2}, Old Generation], Stack, Large Objects, Code Segment
CommonJS module system
Threads [ libuv Thread pool ]
Async Operations [ Network ]
crypto module
EventEmitter [ emit(), on("event")] ==> Observer Observable pattern
fs module [ readFileSync(), readFile() uses callback and createReadStream() ]
Observable object will be on Heap area and will have list of observers
emit() for(Observer os in ObserversList) { os.fn(); }
ab -c 100 -n 1000 http://localhost:9000/
npx autocannon -c 100 -p 10 http://localhost:9000/
- Represents a book.
- @constructor
- @param {string} title - The title of the book.
- @param {string} author - The author of the book. */ function Book(title, author) { }
What if task is CPU intensive operation? Run cpu intense operation on seperate thread [ not libuv thread ]
cluster module
npm install pm2 -g
pm2 start server.js -i max
pm2 restart / all
pm2 delete / all
pm2 monit
pm2 ps
Debug :
node --inspect-brk server.js
chrome browser
about:inspect in addressbar
Node Application Package Managers:
- NPM installs by default along with node installation
- YARN npm install yarn -g
- PNPM npm install pnpm -g
- download 3rd party dependencies from repo
- publish to repo
- to run scripts [ start, build, test, lint]
Node by default installs NPM
myapp> npm init --y
this initializes the node project
- creates "package.json"
{ "scripts": { "start": "node ./app/server.js", "test" : "jest / mocha / jasmine ... command", "build" : "webpack " }, "dependencies": { // dependency required in production env also }, "devDependencies" : { // required only in development stage // testing, lint } }
AAA ==> Assemble Action Assert
npm i -D mocha chai request
JS Unit Testing Framework:
- Mocha
- Jasmine
"devDependencies": { "chai": "^4.3.6", "mocha": "^10.0.0", "request": "^2.88.2" }
"mocha": "10.0.0", ==> exact version 10.0.0
"mocha": "~10.0.0", ==> major version has to be 10
"mocha": "^10.0.0", ==> any version equal or greater than 10.0.0
node_modules folder is created in application having dependecies
- checks is it builtin node module
- checks "node_modules" folder
- checks parent "node_modules" folder ==> YARN workspaces
add node_modules to .gitignore
team member downloads and runs:
npm install
JS engine understands only JS ==> ECMAScript 5
ES 6 / 7, TypeScript, DART, CoffeeScript, LiveScript
Babel ==> ES6/ESNext of JS to downward compatable JS
TSC ==> .ts ==> .js
npm i -g typescript
tsc a.ts ==> a.js
tscexample> npm i typescipt
- provide an optional type system for JavaScript JS is loosely typed and dynamically typed
var x = "a"; // x behaves like string x.toUpperCase(); x = 10; // number x++;
code quality and understandability
catch errors at compile time instead of runtime
sort of document
Basic Types
- number
- string
- boolean
let x:number = 10;
x = "Test"; //error
let name:string = "Harry";
let flag:boolean = true;
Complex Types:
- enum
- array
- object
enum Directions { North = 'N', East = 'E', .. }
const direction:Directions = Directions.North;
let person: { name:string, age:number } = { "name" : "a", "age" : 33 };
type Person = { name:string, age:number };
let person:Person = { "name" : "a", "age" : 33 }
let people:Array = ...
let people:[Person] = [ { "name" : "a", "age" : 33 }, { "name" : "b", "age" : 31 } ]
let data:[number] = [5,2,11,4];
Union Types:
let course:string|number = "NodeJS";
course = 21;
npm i -g typescript
function add(a:number, b: number): void { console.log("Result " + (a+b)); }
function add(a:number, b:number) { return a + b; }
function add(a:number, b:number) : number | string { return a + b; }
//add("a", "b"); ==> error
tsc file.ts ==> file.js
node file.js
Day 3
- NodeJS application ==> Package managers [ NPM, YARN, PNPM ], package.json {dependecies, dev-dependecies, scripts}
node_modules: npm i package [ dependencies] npm i -D package [ devDep]
Any executable modules install it globally npm i -g package [ global installation] ==> users folder/AppData/roaming/npm/... Example: npm i -g typescript any prompt> tsc file.ts
JS testing Framework ==> Mocha Assertion Library ==> Chai
describe(), it(), expect()
- number
- string
- boolean
- enum
- array
- object
"any" type
let myVar:any = 10; // valid
myVar = "Good" ; //valid
myVar = false; // valid
"unknown" type
let myVar:unknown = 10; // valid
myVar = "Good" ; //valid
myVar = false; // valid
"any" vs "unknown"
function doTask(callback:any) { callback(); }
--> RuntimeError; TypeError: callback is not a function. 100 is a nuber cannot be invoked as function...
"unknown" ==> need to perform type checking before using "unknown" type
function doTask(callback:unknown) { if(typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }
JSON ==> JavaScript Object Notation
let obj = { "id": 1, "name": "Anil", "age": 32 }
- Optional Properties ?
function printUser(user: {firstName:string, lastName?:string}) {
printUser({"firstName": "Tom", "lastName": "Alter"}); printUser({"firstName": "Thomas"});
- type
type Person = { name:string, age:number };
- interface Type
--> to define a shape similar to "type" --> for behaviour contract ==> Realization relationship --> extendable
interface Person { name:string, age:number };
interface AppUser extends Person { password:string role:string }
interface Renderable { render(); }
interface B { render(); }
class DomRender implements Renderable, B { .. render() {
class TestRenderer implements Renderable { .. render() {
class NativeRenderer implements Renderable { .. render() {
- "as" ==> Type Assertions
interface Person { name:string, age:number };
3rd party js function function getPerson() { return {} }
"typescript file" let person = getPerson(); = ""; // Property "name" does not exist on type {} person.age = "";
Solution: let person = getPerson() as Person; = ""; // OK
const myDiv = document.getElementById("card") as HTMLDivElement; myDiv.innerHTML = "";
- not - null Assertion Operatior (Postfix!)
Without !:
function doTask(x: string | null) { if(x != null) { console.log("Hello " + x.toUpperCase()); } }
with !: function doTask(x: string | null) { console.log(x!.toUpperCase()); }
function doTask(x: string | null) { console.log(x.toUpperCase()); } tsc --strictNullChecks notnull1.ts notnull1.ts:2:14 - error TS2531: Object is possibly 'null'.
2 console.log(x.toUpperCase()); ~ Found 1 error.
responseData!.map(user => {
TypeScript Rest Parameters ==> o to n
function getTotal(...numbers: number[]): number { let total = 0; numbers.forEach(num => total += num); return total; }
console.log(getTotal()); // 0 console.log(getTotal(5,2,5)); // 12 console.log(getTotal(100)); // 100
Without Rest Parameters:
function getTotal(numbers: number[]): number {
console.log(getTotal([])); // 0 console.log(getTotal([5,2,5])); // 12 console.log(getTotal([100])); // 100
==== // VARargs function insert(msg:string,[]) {
let data = [5,2,6,11,46,2];
let [v1,...others] = data;
! avoids not null assertions ==> to tell compiler i am sure that data is not null
data? ==> do this operation if not null
function doTask( ) { let x:string|null = null; console.log(x?.toUpperCase()); }
Function types:
let add:(x:number, y:number) => number;
add = function(x: number, y: number) { return x + y; }
Promise API in typescript
interface User { id:number, name:string }
// Type alias type FetchData = (id:number) => Promise
function FetchData(id:number) { return new Promise ( (resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve({"id":20, "name": "Peter"}); },2000); }); } // sync call let res = FetchData(20);
FetchData(20).then( data => console.log(data), err => console.log("Boom :-(", err) );
tsc --lib ES2015,dom PromiseExample.ts
fetch("") .then( response => response.json() ).then(data => {
}) .then( op => {
}) .then( result => {
npm i -g typescript
High Order Functions in TypeScript
- function accepting function as argument
- function returning a function
let data = [6,3,2,11];
for(i = 0; i< data.length; i++) { console.log(data[i]); }
for(i = 0; i< data.length; i++) { alert(data[i]); }
HOF forEach
function forEach(elems, action) { for(i = 0; i< elems.length; i++) { action(elems[i]); } }
forEach(data, console.log); forEach(data, alert);
tsexample> tsc --init
creates tsconfig.json
"outDir": "dist", "lib": ["ES2015"]
"sourceMap": true, ==> a.ts ==> ==> a.js
Generic Functions
npm run build npm start
CamelCase ==> forEach, MonogdbConnection
interface, class, type ==> should start with UpperCase
Functions, variables ==> should start with lowercase
module of functions ==> lowercase
similar to filter HOF, create map() HOF filter() ==> subset
Task to be done:
map() ==> transform the data input: {"id":1,"name":"iPhone","price":124447.44,"category" : "mobile"}, {"id":2,"name":"Onida","price":4444.44,"category" : "tv"}, {"id":3,"name":"OnePlus 6","price":98444.44,"category" : "mobile"}, {"id":4,"name":"HDMI connector","price":2444.00,"category" : "computer"}, {"id":5,"name":"Samsung","price":68000.00,"category" : "tv"}
output: ["iPhone", "Onida", "OnePlus 6", "Hdmi connector", "Samsung"]
input: [5,6,2,11,4];
output: [10, 12, 4, 22, 8];
- HOF => function returning a function ==> Closure
Closure ==> returned function can access all the members of outer function
function adder(base, value) { return base + value; }
adder(5,2); adder(5,3);
function adder(base) { return function(value) { return base + value; } }
let fiveAdder = adder(5); fiveAdder(2); fiveAdder(7); fiveAdder(1);
React.memo() ==> HOC ==> closure
Cache the computed result ==> Memoization
getProduct(4) ==> Product with {"id":4,"name":"HDMI connector","price":2444.00,"category" : "computer"}
<number, number> fibanocci
ESLint: npm i -D eslint @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
Day 4
Recap: TypeScript
- basic types ==> string, number and boolean
- enum, array, object
- type, interface
- any, unknown types
- as, ?, !
- Rest operators ==> VarArgs
- HOF, generics <> forEach, filter, map ==> OCP ==> Open for extension and closed for Change
export function filter(elems:T[], predicate:(elem:T) => boolean): T[] { let result:T[] = []; forEach(elems, elem => { if(predicate(elem)) { result.push(elem); } }); return result; }
function test(elem:T) {
test("a"); // T acts like string test(10); // T acts like number
function merge<U, V> (obj1: U, obj2: V) { return { ...obj1, ...obj2 } }
let person = merge( {"name": "Jack"}, {"age": 25});
person will have {name: "Jack", "age": 25}
let p = merge({"name": "Jack"}, 25); // works
function merge<U extends object, V extends object> (obj1: U, obj2: V) {
Product, Mobile is a Product, Tv is Product
function print(elem:T) {
to print i can pass only Product or Mobile or Tv
Task ==> map()
===================== ES 6 supports class
- class
class Book { title:string; // instance variable price:number; // instance variable
constructor(title:string = "", price:number = 0.0) {
this.title = title;
this.price = price;
// instance method
getTitle() {
return this.title;
let b = new Book();
let b1 = new Book("typescript", 1200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price let b2 = new Book("express", 4200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price
b1.getTitle(); // context is "b1" ==> within getTitle() "this" refers to b1
"this" => context
all fields and methods are "public" by default
class Book { private title:string; // instance variable private price:number; // instance variable
constructor(title:string = "", price:number = 0.0) {
this.title = title;
this.price = price;
// instance method
getTitle() {
return this.title;
let b1 = new Book("typescript", 1200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price let b2 = new Book("express", 4200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price
b1.getTitle(); // is valid
console.log(b1.title); // error ==> title is private
console.log(b1["title"]); // accessable ==> even if title is private
ES 6 introduced # to declare private fields
class Book { #title:string; // private instance variable private price:number; // instance variable
constructor(title:string = "", price:number = 0.0) {
this.#title = title;
this.price = price;
// instance method
getTitle() {
return this.#title;
let b1 = new Book("typescript", 1200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price let b2 = new Book("express", 4200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price
b1.getTitle(); // is valid
console.log(b1.#title); // error ==> title is private
console.log(b1["#title"]); // error ==> title is private
class Book { // instance var declare and intialize constructor(private title:string, private price:number = 0.0) {} // instance method getTitle() { return this.#title; } }
class Product { constructor(public id:number, public name: string) {} }
// inheritance class Mobile extends Product { connectivity:string; constructor(id:number, name:string, con:string) { super(id,name); // chain to base class constructor this.connectivity = con; } }
let m = new Mobile(12,"iPhone", "4G");
keyword: ==> "protected" ==> private to class and inherited class
abstract class Product { constructor(public id:number, public name: string) {} getName() { return; } abstract isExpensive():boolean; }
let p1 = new Product(3,"Pixel2"); // error can't instante abstract class
class Mobile extends Product { connectivity:string; constructor(id:number, name:string, con:string) { super(id,name); // chain to base class constructor this.connectivity = con; } isExpensive(): boolean { logic and return boolean type } }
let m = new Mobile(12,"iPhone", "4G"); m.getName(); // valid m.isExpensive();
================================================ static ==> class member
class BankingAccount { private static count:number = 0; // class variable constructor(private id:number, private name:string) { count++; }
static getCount() {
return count;
console.log(BankingAccount.getCount()); // 0
let b1 = new BankingAccount(33,"a"); console.log(BankingAccount.getCount()); // 1 let b2 = new BankingAccount(34,"b"); console.log(BankingAccount.getCount()); // 2
JavaScript modules in Typescript
- npm i lodash
chart.js, nvd3.js
installs js library in node_modules
create src/typings.d.ts
declare module 'lodash' { export function random(min:number, max:number): number }
index.ts import {random} from 'lodash';
- Scenario where lodash is included as <script></script> in index.html
declare var random:any console.log(random(1,100));
- install typedefinitions npm i @types/lodash -D
NodeJs modules using TS
npm i -D @types/node
import fs, {ReadStream} from 'fs'; import {createServer, Server, IncomingMessage, ServerResponse} from 'http';
const server:Server = createServer((request:IncomingMessage, response: ServerResponse) => { switch(request.url) { case "/file" : const stream:ReadStream = fs.createReadStream("./src/server.ts"); stream.on("data", (chunk:string) => { response.write(chunk); }); stream.on("end", () => { response.end(); }); break; case "/": response.end("Hello World!!!"); } });
=============================================== // "allowJs": true,
export class Employee {
import {Employee} from 'Employee';
Testing of "ts" files JS unit testing libraries: mocha, jest, jasmine
npm i jest @types/jest ts-jest -D
import axios from 'axios'; const mockAxios = jest.mock(axios);
Static code analysis ==> linting
ESLint, TSList [ no longer supported]
npm i -D eslint @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
Decorators ==> @ ==> Decorator Design Pattern Angular, Mobx,
@Component({ "selector": "card", "stleyUrl": "templateUrl" : './card.html' }) class ProductComponent extends Component { products:Product[]; addProduct() {} }
@Component({ "selector": "card", "styleUrl": "templateUrl" : './card.html' }) class CustomerComponent extends Component { customers:Customer[];
Mobx @observable public class Product {}
@Required() private firstName:string;
@Required() private lastName:string;
Decorators are functions
function sealed(target:any) { Object.seal(target); // not allow any new fields / properties to be added to target }
@sealed class Product { id name }
let p = new Product(...)
let p = {"id": 1, "name": "test"};
at runtime
p.price = 2222; // supports
Object.seal(p); // p.price = 2222; ==> ignored
Commonly we write decorators as HOF with closure ==> Decorator factory
=============================== @Course({ subject: "ExpressJS" }) class Student { firstName lastName }
student will have firstName, lastName and subject
export function Course() { return function(target:any) { Object.defineProperty(target.prototype, "subject", {"value": "ExperssJS"}) } }
@Course() class Student { firstName lastName }
function Student(fn, ln) { this.firstName = fn; this.lastName = ln; }
Student.prototype.getName = function() { return this.firstName; }
export function Course(config:any) { return function(target:any) { Object.defineProperty(target.prototype, "subject", {"value":}) } }
@Course({ name: 'NodeJS' }) class Student { firstName lastName }
class Some { get firstName() { return "test"; }
set firstName(a) {}
let s = new Some(); console.log(s.firstName); // get s.firstName = "Ashok"; // set
ExpressJS + MongoDB
MongoDB Express React / Angular Node
Docker Desktop
docker run --name some-mongo -d mongo:latest -p 27017:27017
docker cp employees.json some-mongo:/tmp/employees.json
docker exec -it some-mongo bash
Day 5
Day 4: ==> Typescript, using JS in TS, JEST unit testing framework, class, Decorators
"ts-node" npm i -g ts-node ts-node script.ts
npx ts-node script.ts
npx tsdx create myproject ==> for scaffolding code
JavaScript build tools
- Grunt == gruntfile.js
- Gulp == gulp
- Webpack == webpack.config.js
Automate running scripts ==> clean, compile, test, lint , minfify, uglify, bundle ...
expressapp> npm init --y expressapp> npm i typescript dotenv body-parser cookie-parser express jsonwebtoken expressapp> npm i -D @types/body-parser @types/cookie-parser @types/express ts-node expressapp> tsc --init
- middleware framework for NodeJS
- simplify application development
- Traditional web application pages are rendered on server and sent to client SSR ==> data [representation of documents of mongoDB or Rows of MySQL] to presentation [ HTML]
- Serve static pages
- Build RESTful web services [ CSR ] representation of data is served to clients in various formats [ JSON / XML / ATOM /CSV ] seperatation of client-server clients can be Web clients [ React, Angular, Vue], Swift, Android, Standalone app, WebOS,..
- GraphQL services ==> Apollo Server
RESTful Web Services
- uses http protocol
- Uniform URI to identify a Resources [ plural nouns]
- actions are identified using HTTP verbs [ GET, POST, PUT, DELETE]
GET http://localhost:8080/api/products
get all products
-- GET http://localhost:8080/api/products/3
get product whose id is 3 pathparameter "/" to get by Unique id or sub resource
http://localhost:8080/api/customers/[email protected]/orders
-- GET to get subset / filterd ==> Query Parameter http://localhost:8080/api/products?category=mobile http://localhost:8080/api/products?page=2&size=20
POST http://localhost:8080/api/products
payload from client will contain data which is added to "products"
PUT http://localhost:8080/api/products/2
payload from client will contain data which is updated to "products" with id 2
-- DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/products/2
delete a product whose id is 2
- Docker Desktop
"start" : "node dist/api/app.js"
npm run build npm start
OR using ts-node
"start" : "ts-node ./api/app.ts",
http://localhost:3000/ http://localhost:3000/products http://localhost:3000/products/1
POST http://localhost:3000/products
Headers: Accept: text/plain Content-type: application/json
Body: select raw incomplete: { "price": 1234.33 }
or: { "id": 10, "name": "Sony Tv", "price": 123492.33, "category" : "tv" }
Session Tracking
Http protocol is a stateless protocol
Client Request ==> request, response objects are created; once response is commited to client they are destroyed
- client - server
- Uniform Uri
- Stateless
JWT ==> Json Web Token
eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9. eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ. SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c
HEADER: { "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }
Payload: contains claims
{ "sub": "1234567890", // who you are "name": "John Doe", "iat": 1516239022 // issued at "exp": 1516239099 // exp "iss": "adobe", "authorities": ["admin", "user"] }
VERIFY: HMACSHA256( base64UrlEncode(header) + "." + base64UrlEncode(payload), mytopsecret ) secret base64 encoded
npm i -D @types/jsonwebtoken
=== REgister a User
POST http://localhost:3000/register Accept: application/json Content-type: application/json
Body: { "email": "[email protected]", "password": "secret123" }
POST http://localhost:3000/login Accept: application/json Content-type: application/json
Body: { "email": "[email protected]", "password": "secret123" }
Response: { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiZW1haWwiOiJtZUBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJpc3MiOiJhZG9iZSIsImlhdCI6MTY1MjQyNzAwMH0.kVWr66NUFYVSJhmjgr60bed9EYbX40DzvcW4fShI3go" }
Protected REsources
GET: http://localhost:3000/products Accept: application/json
Autorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiZW1haWwiOiJtZUBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJpc3MiOiJhZG9iZSIsImlhdCI6MTY1MjQyNzAwMH0.kVWr66NUFYVSJhmjgr60bed9EYbX40DzvcW4fShI3go
express ==> MiddleWare ==> Route ==> MiddleWare ==> Controller ==> Service ==> Mongodb/mysql
jsonwebtoken ==> token based authorization
Day 6
Recap on ExpressJS --> middleware web framework for NodeJS --> Simplfies traditional web application dev [ SSR] --> RESTful web services
new express();
Routes ProductRoute.ts UserRoute.ts
Middleware ==> (req:Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {} next(); ==> next handler which matches URL pattern [ could be other middlerware or API] Examples of built-in: app.use(express.json()); // payload to json content-type:application/json JSON.parse(..); app.use(cookieParser()); app.use(cors());
Jsonwebtoken ==> tokenGuard.ts as middleware [ Before Route ] ProductValidatorMiddleware ==> [Route and Controller]
Docker Desktop
- Serve static pages
- SSR ==> Server Side Rendering
data is read from backend and pages are rendered on Server and sent to client
Librarires for SSR
- EJS <%= data %>
- Handlebars #data
- Mustache {{data}}
expressapp> npm i ejs
$ docker run --name some-mongo -d mongo -p 27017:27017
$ docker cp employees.json some-mongo:/tmp/employees.json
MongoDB ==> NoSQL database ==> It's not RDBMS [ tables with relationship using Foreign key]
MongoDB RDBMS database database collection table document row BSON
$ docker run --name some-mongo -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
$ docker cp employees.json some-mongo:/tmp/employees.json
Access mongodb Container $ docker exec -it some-mongo bash root@8c738f59839c:/# mongoimport --db employees_db --collection employees --file tmp/employees.json
root@8c738f59839c:/# mongosh test> use employees_db employees_db> show collections employees employees_db> db.employees.find()
Where clause employees_db> db.employees.find({company:'Adobe'})
select name, company from employees where company='Adobe' employees_db> db.employees.find({company:'Adobe'}, {name:1,company:1})
expressapp> npm i mongoose
http server ==> express ==> MongoDB Driver => MongoDB
MongoDB NodeJS Driver
Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool ODM ==> similar to ORM
Object is JS object ==> map to Document of MongoDB
Simplifies CRUD operations
Schema: Everything in Mongoose starts with a Schema. Each schema maps to a MongoDB collection
model: for ==> CRUD operations
mongoose.model('Tank', schema);
npm i dotenv
NPM packages are developed in lots of small Github repos.
I am working in #5 and #6 repo, ignore pull requests from #8 repo
npm i repo_8
Monorepo ==> single repo will contain all the code for a given project
- Single soource of truth
- Code reuse
- Atomic changes
Project 1 refers Project 2
Monorepo tools:
- Lerna
- Rush
- Manually configure using NPM / YARN
npm i -g @microsoft/rush
npm i -g pnpm
rushexample>rush init
rushexample>md hello rushexample>cd hello rushexample/hello>pnpm init [ similar to npm init --y] rush.json { "packageName": "hello", "projectFolder": "hello" }
run in any terminal rush update
adding dependencies for hello project/module
rushexample/hello>rush add -p express [npm i express] rushexample/hello>rush add -p typescript --dev rushexample/hello>rush add -p @types/express --dev rushexample/hello>rush add -p @types/node --dev rushexample/hello>tsc --init
rushexample/hello>rush add -p ts-node --dev
package.json "build" : "tsc", "start": "ts-node src/index.ts",
import express from 'express';
const app = express();
app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.send("Hello Rush!!!"); });
app.listen(3000, () => { console.log("server started!!!"); });
Running npm scritps with Rush
rushexample/hello>rushx start
Adding other modules into monorepo
md lib cd lib rushexample/lib>pnpm init rushexample/lib>tsc --init update rush.json to specify this project also { "packageName": "@shared/lib", "projectFolder": "lib" }
rush update ==> from any terminal of the project rushexample/lib>rush add -p lodash rushexample/lib>rush add -p @types/lodash --dev
in hello module "dependencies": { "lib": "workspace:*",
rushexample/lib>tsc --init