an extension for chrome to check jquery foundation PR's for cla/caa signatures, commit message format and line lengths
To use, go to any PR on github and click the PR button in your browser bar. A window will popup and run tests and display results of each.
NOTE: You must be signed into google to use the cla/caa check because chrome extensions can only use external scripts loaded via https which requires authentication.
You can access the options page via the chrome extensions page. Under jquery-pr just click options at the bottom
There are currently two configurable options
determines if the commit message format should be checked
Checks each line modified in a js file to ensure that it's under 100 chars
This extension is just simple js css and html. To instal the extension for development
1.) Clone this repo
2.) Go to the settings page in chrome and go to the extensions section.
3.) check the developer mode checkbox
4.) click load unpacked extension and select the folder for jquery-pr repo
changes to js, css, html files will show as soon as the file is saved changes to images or manifest will require the extension to be reloaded to test a packed version, simply click pack extension and select the jquery-pr folder