DND custom loot table small test program
This program demonstrates how RabbitMQ can be used to facilitate communication between a microservice and client. This uses AMQP (advanced messaging queuing protocol)
dnd_client.py: Sends request to microservice to create custom loot tables dnd_microservice.py: receives requests from client to create custom loot tables, stores data
How to run:
- Ensure RabbitMQ is installed and configured. This can be done from their official website
- Run both .py files (see how to run dnd_client.py below)
- Then it will be printed in a .json file, this will automcatically create a file
How to add custom: In terminal write this: python dnd_client.py add-loot --name "" --rarity "" --cost ___ Ex. python dnd_client.py add-loot --name "Sword" --rarity "Legendary" --cost 1000
How to read from json file: python dnd_client.py read-loot-tables