⭐ Cosmos-faucet is a simple alternative to the tendermint/faucet script. This is an idea adapted for ➡️ Bitcanna and can be used for any project using cosmos.
node version >=18.0.0
git clone https://github.com/atmoner/cosmos-faucet.git
cd cosmos-faucet
npm install
nano config.json
Edit this part with your value:
"name": "Bitcanna Testnet",
"mnemonic": "",
"chainId": "bitcanna-dev-1",
"lcdUrl": "https://lcd-testnet.bitcanna.io",
"rpcUrl": "https://rpc-testnet.bitcanna.io",
"denom": "ubcna",
"prefix": "bcna",
"gasPrice": 0.075,
"faucetAmount": 1000000,
"memo": "Faucet from cosmos-faucet",
"enableUi": false,
"enableSwagger": true,
"dappPort": "8000"
node app.js
curl -s "http://testnet-faucet.bitcanna.io:8000/faucet/claim/bcna1xvuxv4znmmeu96ulxhldvyt32whp57vhyzg5vh" | jq