This benchmark is using jmh framework To reproduce this benchmark use first mvn clean package then use java -jar target\microbenchmarks.jar
Microbench with pc on Windows 10
With Processeur Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz, 1801 MHz, 2 cœur(s), 4 processeur(s) logique(s)
Benchmark | Mode Cnt Score Error Units |
AnnotationEventBenchmarks.sendClassAnnotationEvents | thrpt 15 2608,569 ± 1143,076 ops/s |
AnnotationEventBenchmarks.sendMethodAnnotationEvents_Selection_All | thrpt 15 3278,225 ± 232,428 ops/s |
AnnotationEventBenchmarks.sendMethodAnnotationEvents_Selection_Marked | thrpt 15 2695,198 ± 294,375 ops/s |
Audit4jConsoleBenchmarks.sendEvents | thrpt 15 5864,947 ± 974,146 ops/s |
Audit4jFileBenchmarks.sendEvents | thrpt 15 3483,119 ± 324,000 ops/s |
Slf4jBenchmarks.slf4j | thrpt 15 6178,890 ± 1169,859 ops/s |
AnnotationEventBenchmarks.sendClassAnnotationEvents_Runningtime | avgt 15 322,272 ± 114,318 us/op |
Audit4jConsoleBenchmarks.sendEventsAvgTime | avgt 15 179,970 ± 20,152 us/op |
Audit4jFileBenchmarks.sendEventsAvgTime | avgt 15 290,120 ± 17,309 us/op |
Slf4jBenchmarks.sslf4jAvgTime | avgt 15 184,155 ± 35,477 us/op |