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Close stale issues #118

Close stale issues

Close stale issues #118

name: 'Close stale issues'
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Stale issue cleanup
- uses: aws-actions/stale-issue-cleanup@v6
issue-types: 'issues,pull_requests'
ancient-issue-message: >
This issue has been automatically closed due to inactivity. If you
believe this was closed in error, please create a new issue and
link to this auto-closed issue. Thank you.
stale-issue-message: >
This issue has not received a response in one week. If you wish to
keep this open, please leave a comment and auto-close will be
stale-pr-message: >
This pull request has not received a response in one week. If you
wish to keep this open, please leave a comment and auto-close will
be cancelled.
stale-issue-label: closing-soon
exempt-issue-labels: automation-exempt
stale-pr-label: no-pr-activity
response-requested-label: response-requested
closed-for-staleness-label: closed-for-staleness
days-before-stale: 10
days-before-close: 4
days-before-ancient: 36500
minimum-upvotes-to-exempt: 2
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
use-created-date-for-ancient: false
dry-run: false
#loglevel: debug